About the DevOps ClearCase Explorer window

In its initial state, the DevOps ClearCase® Explorer window has the following items:

  • A title bar
  • A dockable menu bar
  • A dockable toolbar
  • Multiple panes to provide integrated access to tools and DevOps Code ClearCase objects
  • An optional status bar

ClearCase Explorer panes

The left pane, called the Shortcut pane, is dockable and contains the following tab controls that you can use to access different pages.

  • Views tab: Access UCM project views and base DevOps Code ClearCase views
  • Toolbox tab: Start DevOps Code ClearCase tools and configurable user tools and URLs.

    In the Shortcut pane, rectangles at the top and bottom provide a paging mechanism to access hidden icons.

The middle pane, called the Folder pane, is dockable and contains the tree control that displays the folder hierarchy for a started view.

The right pane, called the Details pane, is not dockable and contains the list control that displays one of the following items:

  • Element details if the Folder pane is active.
  • A browser window for a URL being accessed.
  • An optional pane, called the Information pane, that is not dockable.

The Details pane provides context-dependent element state and processing information and access to Help topics. It is designed for use by those becoming familiar with DevOps Code ClearCase operation.