To display the merge results

About this task

You can change where Diff Merge displays the merge results. On Windows systems, you can also change where HTML browser panes display.


  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. In the Options window, click Display.
  3. Do one of the following steps:
    • On Linux and the UNIX system, click Merge Results Pane and one of the following:
      • Show Above Contributor Panes to display the merge results above the contributor panes.
      • Show Below Contributor Panes to display the merge results below the contributor panes
    • On Windows systems, click Merge Results and Browser Panes and one of the following:
      • Show Above Contributor Panes to display the merge results and HTML browser panes above the contributor panes .
      • Show Below Contributor Panes to display the merge results and HTML browser panes below the contributor panes.


Note: Changes made to this option are saved when you exit Diff Merge.

If you are not merging, Diff Merge does not display a merge results pane. On Windows systems, if your contributors do not contain HTML code, Diff Merge does not display an HTML browser pane. However, even if the results pane or HTML browser pane is not displayed, you can still set the option and the changes apply to the subsequent Diff Merge session. That is, if the subsequent Diff Merge session is a merge, the location of the merge results pane is affected.

On Windows systems, if you are comparing or merging HTML contributors, the location of the HTML browser pane is affected.