How activities are created and set

You can create activities from a Rational® ClearQuest® client when you are using the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest and from DevOps Code ClearCase® windows. On Windows® systems, you can also create activities from the DevOps ClearCase Explorer.

From a Rational ClearQuest client

An association is created between a record type that is enabled for UCM and a DevOps Code ClearCase activity when you click Action > Work On. To create the association, the following actions are taken:

  1. You are asked to choose a view.
  2. If a corresponding activity does not exist in the DevOps Code ClearCase stream that is associated with the view, an activity is created. The Rational ClearQuest record title is used as the headline for the Rational ClearQuest activity, and your user ID is used as activity owner.
  3. The Rational ClearQuest record and the DevOps Code ClearCase activity are linked.
  4. The view is set to the activity. Any versions that you create in that view are added to the change set of the new activity (until you set a different activity).

From DevOps ClearCase Explorer on Windows systems and from DevOps Code ClearCase windows

When you create an activity from ClearCase Explorer or windows, the following actions are taken:

  1. A DevOps Code ClearCase activity object is created in the stream that is associated with the view from which you issued the command.
  2. If the project is enabled for Rational ClearQuest, a corresponding Rational ClearQuest record is created (based on a record type that is enabled for UCM). Then the new activity in the DevOps Code ClearCase view and the new record in the Rational ClearQuest user database are linked.
  3. The view is set to the activity. Any versions that you create in that view are added to the change set of the new activity (until you set a different activity).