Before deleting activities

Tip: Your project manager determines whether developers can delete Rational® ClearQuest® records of any given record type.

If a Rational ClearQuest record is linked with a UCM activity and if the UCM activity contains versions in its change set, you must first delete the UCM activity and then delete the Rational ClearQuest activity record. When you delete the linked activity from a DevOps Code ClearCase® client (for example, Project Explorer), the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest performs the following actions:

  • Removes the link between the UCM activity and the Rational ClearQuest record.
  • Deletes the UCM activity only. (The integration keeps the related Rational ClearQuest record.)

As a result of these actions, from Project Explorer, the UCM activity is gone, but its entry is still displayed in another client (for example, DevOps ClearCase Explorer). The related record still exists in the Rational ClearQuest user database and its existence is still reported (for example, in the MyToDoList query output in DevOps ClearCase Explorer). To completely remove the linked activity, use a Rational ClearQuest client to delete the related Rational ClearQuest activity record.

The UCM Stream field in the Rational ClearQuest Query results pane indicates whether an activity is linked with a stream. The activity Change Set list, which is available from the ClearQuest Record form pane or from an activity properties sheet, displays its change set.