Submitting a compile request for multiple programs linked into one module

Use the Parameterized Build > Submit Link Job request to submit multiple COBOL programs linked into one module.

Before you begin

This task refers to sample programs shipped with ClearCase® z/OS® extensions. To use the sample programs, you need to ensure that your ClearCase administrator has set up a test environment, and you need to be connected to the test VOB and have created a project under the test VOB.
This test case assumes both pbtest.cbl and pbtest3.cbl have been compiled and the object files are located in USERID.XOBJLIB. The link control file is uploaded to the z/OS system with the name PBMAIN located in USERID.XLOADLIB. Edit the link control file USERID.XLOADLIB(PBMAIN) on the z/OS system if needed. The following is the sample link control PBMAIN:
The LNKDECK type attribute must be configured for your view elements before you can use the Submit Link Job action. This attribute is a ClearCase server configuration parameter that must be set by your ClearCase administrator. It is described in the ClearCase z/OS Extensions documentation.


To submit a Parameterized Build > Submit Link Job request for multiple programs, do these steps:
  1. Expand the project containing the sample programs.
  2. Right-click pbtest.cbl and click Parameterized Build > Submit Link Job.
    A message window shows the job is executing.
  3. Right-click the project name and click Refresh to verify the output for the build request.


This process saves the result of the load module into a load library defined by a configuration parameter on the ClearCase server: the variable $loadlib defined by the attribute ZCCENV. This configuration parameter is described in the ClearCase z/OS Extensions documentation. The output log yourfile.cbl_linkjob.log, where yourfile.cbl is the name of your source file, is located in the project.