Uploading compressed RELFILEs and the sample JCL

The os390 directory (for example, in Windows®, C:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\os390 if DevOps Code ClearCase® is installed on the C drive) contains sample JCL and compressed RELFILEs.


To upload these files from the distributed system to the mainframe:
  1. To allocate data sets on z/OS® to use as the target of the upload, either create a data set with the characteristics shown in step 1.a or do the following steps:
    1. Start with the following sample JCL.
      //        DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
      //        DSORG=PS,
      //        RECFM=FB,
      //        LRECL=80,
      //        BLKSIZE=6160,
      //        SPACE=(TRK,(2,1)),
      //        UNIT=SYSALLDA
    2. Add a job card and modify the parameters to meet your site's requirements.
    3. Submit the job.
  2. From the os390 directory, upload the sample JCL file in binary format.
    The following example shows an FTP upload of the compressed sample JCL file on a Windows system:
    C:\> ftp mvsaddr  
    Connected to mvsaddr. 
    220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R2 at mvsaddr, 07:10:7 on 2003-02-19.  
    220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.
    User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid
    331 Send password please.  
    Password: tsopw 
    230 tsouid is logged on. Working directory is "tsouid.".  
    ftp> cd .. 
    250 " "is the working directory name prefix.
    ftp> cd hlq.XMIT$ 
    250 “hlq.XMIT$ is the working directory name prefix.
    ftp> binary 
    200 Representation type is Image
    ftp> prompt  
    Interactive mode Off.
    ftp> put "c:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\os390\rtlrcc.jcl" 
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTLRCC.JCL 
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    72320 bytes sent in 0.34 seconds (24.63 Kbytes/sec)
    ftp> quit
    221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
  3. To expand the sample JCL, on the TSO command line, type the following command and click Enter:

    receive inda(‘hlq.xmit$.rtlrcc.jcl')

  4. To set the restore parameter, after the prompt line, type the following command and click Enter:


    This command creates a data set named hlq.RTLRCC.JCL with the following members:
    • RCC00DEL
    • RCC01ALO
    • RCC02ALO
    • RCC03GCS
    • RCC04CSI
    • RCC05ZDF
    • RCC11REC
    • RCC12APP
    • RCC13ACC
    • MVSMCS
    • TSCMCS
    • USSMCS
  5. Copy the sample job RCC01ALO to a work data set for editing and submission. Copy the member from the PDS hlq.RTLRCC.JCL.
    You might want to use hlq.version.RTLRCC.JCL as the name of your work data set so that it corresponds to the set of default product library names.
  6. Edit and submit sample job RCC01ALO to allocated data sets on z/OS to be used during the upload process.
    Use the instructions in the sample job for information about required changes.
  7. Upload the compressed files in binary format from the os390 directory to the z/OS data sets.
    The following example shows an FTP upload of the compressed files:
    C:\> ftp mvsaddr 
    Connected to mvsaddr. 
    220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R2 at mvsaddr, 07:18:1 on 2005-07-20.  
    220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.
    User (mvsaddr:(none)): tsouid
    331 Send password please.  
    Password: tsopw 
    230 tsouid is logged on. 
    Working directory is "tsouid.".
    ftp> cd .. 
    250 " "is the working directory name prefix. 
    ftp> cd hlq.XMIT$ 
    250 “hlq.XMIT$? is the working directory name prefix.
    ftp> binary 
    200 Representation type is Image
    ftp> prompt  
    Interactive mode Off.
    ftp> mput "c:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\os390\*.F*"
    200 Port request OK.
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0310.F1
    250 Transfer completed successfully.   
    226320 bytes sent in 0.39 seconds (499.90 Kbytes/sec)  
    200 Port request OK.
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0310.F2  
    250 Transfer completed successfully.
    1412320 bytes sent in 0.40 seconds (506.80 Kbytes/sec)  
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0310.F3  
    250 Transfer completed successfully.  
    1120880 bytes sent in 0.42 seconds (1280000.00 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0311.F1
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    682560 bytes sent in 0.42 seconds (1280000.00 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK.
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0311.F2 
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    655200 bytes sent in 0.38 seconds (1280000.00 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0320.F1  
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    226320 bytes sent in 0.39 seconds (499.90 Kbytes/sec)
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0320.F2  
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    1412320 bytes sent in 0.40 seconds (506.80 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0320.F3 
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    1120880 bytes sent in 0.42 seconds (1280000.00 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK.  
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0320.F4 
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    655200 bytes sent in 0.38 seconds (1280000.00 Kbytes/sec) 
    200 Port request OK. 
    125 Storing data set hlq.XMIT$.RTL0320.F5
    250 Transfer completed successfully. 
    708080 bytes sent in 3.86 seconds (183.63Kbytes/sec.)
    200 Port request OK. 
    ftp> quit 
    221 Quit command received. Goodbye.

What to do next