Performing the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT commands

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To perform the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT commands:
  1. To perform the SMP/E RECEIVE command for z/OS® Extensions, edit and submit sample job RCC11REC.
    For more information about how to edit and submit this job, see the instructions in the sample job.
    The expected return code for an appropriately edited copy of RCC11REC is zero.
  2. To perform an SMP/E APPLY command for z/OS Extensions, edit and submit sample job RCC12APP.
    For more information about how to edit and submit this job, see the instructions in the sample job.
    The expected return code for an appropriately edited copy of RCC12APP is less than or equal to four.
  3. To perform an SMP/E ACCEPT command for z/OS Extensions, edit and submit sample job RCC13ACC.
    For more information about how to edit and submit this job, see the instructions in the sample job.
    The expected return code for an appropriately edited copy of RCC13ACC is zero.

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