Creating DDDEF entries

This topic describes how to create DDDEF entries.

Before you begin

About this task

z/OS® Extensions uses the CALLLIBS function in SMP/E to resolve external references during installation. When you install z/OS Extensions, DDDEFs are created for the following libraries:
  • SCEELKED for Language Environment® (default: CEE.SCEELKED)
  • RTCLINK for the ISPF interface modules (default: SYS1.LINKLIB)

Each DDDEF item is used only to resolve the link-edit for z/OS Extensions using CALLLIBS. This data set is not updated during the installation of z/OS Extensions.

Edit and submit sample job RCC05ZDF to create DDDEF entries for the SMP/E target and distribution libraries and to create the SMP/E target and distribution libraries for z/OS Extensions. For more information about how to edit and submit this job, see the instructions in the sample job.


Be aware of the following situations:
  1. Check the actual location of SCEELKED and LINKLIB in your local environment and add appropriate DDDEF sections.
  2. If you find that some data set members cannot be resolved, it might be because they are missing from the SCEELKED and LINKLIB library. Find their actual location in your local environment and add a DDDEF entry within the LINKLIB DDDEF section.
  3. You might need to change the volume value for some data sets to their actual location after they are created in your local environment. The data set names are in the ALLOCATE NEW DDDEF ENTRIES FOR PRODUCT LIBRARIES section of RCC05ZDF (from hlq.version.LOAD to hlq.version.ATSCPAN).


The expected return code for an appropriately edited copy of RCC05ZDF is zero.

What to do next