Copying sample installation jobs

Make a copy of sample installation jobs to a work data set for editing and submission.

Before you begin

About this task

Copy the following members from the PDS hlq.RTLRCC.JCL. Use the instructions in the header section of each job to customize it before submission.
  • RCC00DEL: Delete the SMP/E data sets if needed.
  • RCC01ALO: Allocate non-VSAM data sets.
  • RCC02ALO: Create the z/OS® UNIX® System Services directories that SMP/E uses. If you are not planning to run the Remote Build server on z/OS UNIX System Services, you can omit this job.
  • RCC03GCS: Delete, Define, and Prime the SMP/E Global Zone
  • RCC04CSI: Delete, Define, and Prime the SMP/E Target and Distribution Zones
  • RCC05ZDF: Define the Global, Target, Distribution Zone Options to SMP/E

You might want to use hlq.version.RTLRCC.JCL as the name of your work data set so that it corresponds to the set of default product library names.

z/OS UNIX System Services Remote Build installation: By following the instructions in the following sample jobs, you can choose to include or exclude the installation of the Remote Build server on z/OS UNIX System Services. Be sure to consistently complete the customization instructions for your choice in each of these jobs.
  • RCC02ALO
  • RCC05ZDF
  • RCC11REC
  • RCC12APP
  • RCC13ACC
Note: If you do not need to remotely execute UNIX commands on z/OS, you do not need to install the z/OS UNIX System Services Remote Build server.

The following table contains a list of variable names used throughout the sample installation jobs. Prior to submission, the installation jobs must be changed to substitute appropriate site-dependent values for each of these variables.

Table 1. Variable names used in installation jobs
Variable Description
#csihlq SMP/E CSI data set prefix
#ddddd Volser for SMP/E Distribution data sets
#distrbcsi Data set name for SMP/E Distribution zone
#dzone SMP/E Distribution zone name
#ggggg Volser for SMP/E SMPTLIB data sets
#globalcsi Data set name for SMP/E Global CSI
#hlq Data set prefix for SMP/E relfile data sets
#sssss Volser for SMP/E general data sets (SMPMTS, SMPPTS, SMPLOG, and so on)
#targetcsi Data set name for SMP/E Target zone
#ttttt Volser for SMP/E Target data sets
#tzone SMP/E Target zone name
#wwwww Volser for SMP/E Global CSI
#xxxxx Volser for Xmit (Transmit) data sets
#yyyyy Volser for SMP/E Target data sets
#zzzzz Volser for SMP/E Distribution data sets
-PathPrefix- Prefix of z/OS UNIX System Services directory name where DevOps Code ClearCase® z/OS Extensions will be installed
xhlq Data set prefix for Xmit (Transmit) data sets
#version A part of HLQ, indicates version of z/OS Extensions

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