Log in to the CCRC WAN server

Use this dialog box to connect to the CCRC WAN server that supports the selected ClearCase® web view or automatic view.

Connect to ClearCase server

Many operations in a ClearCase view require a connection to the ClearCase server that supports it. This dialog box allows you to connect to the ClearCase server that supports the selected ClearCase view. The ClearCase view tag of this view is listed in the message area of the dialog box. This dialog box displays whenever:
  • You are working in a view that is not connected and invoke a ClearCase operation that requires a connection
  • You attempt to access information or perform operations in a ClearCase node under a server node
  • You select a ClearCase view in the ClearTeam Navigator and click the ClearCase server connect icon on the ClearCase toolbar or select ClearCase server connect Connect from the ClearCase context menu or from the ClearCase options in the menu bar
  • You are working with resources in a ClearQuest® user database and attempt to performs operations that require access to a ClearCase server

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Server URL The URL of the CCRC WAN server that supports the selected ClearCase Web view.
You can place the cursor over this field to view a tool tip suggesting the form of the URL. The ClearCase Server URL takes the following form: http://<server:port>/ccrc
User Name A user name that is valid on the CCRC WAN server.
You can place the cursor over this field to view a tool tip suggesting the form of the user name. If the ClearCase server is running Windows, the user name must include the Windows domain in which the account was created. For example, DOMAIN\user.
Password A password that is valid on the server for the user name.
Store and reuse credentials If you select this option, the user name that you enter for each server and/or database is stored across the current and all future sessions. The password is stored for the current session only.
OK Initiates the connection using the values in the User Name and Password fields.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
Work Disconnected Disconnects all server connections and disables operations that require a CCRC WAN server connection. While working disconnected, you are not prompted to connect to a server when you attempt to perform operations that require a server connection.