Configuring ClearTeam Explorer Groups preferences

With the ClearTeam® Explorer Groups preferences page, you can specify primary group preferences for the ClearTeam Explorer.


To configure ClearTeam Explorer preferences:
  1. From the main menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.
    • If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse, select Team > IBM® ClearTeam Explorer > Groups.
    • If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer, select IBM ClearTeam Explorer > Groups.
  2. The Use default setting indicates that the current primary group setting on the server is in effect when you connect to a CCRC WAN server. To specify a different primary group, click Use defined groups and specify the name of the Windows or Linux or UNIX group to use as your primary group when establishing your credentials on the server. To specify additional groups for ClearCase® servers running on Windows, click the Add button and enter the names of additional ClearCase Groups, separated by colons or semi-colons. To remove a group from the Additional ClearCase Groups list box, select the group and click Remove.
    Note that you typically do not need to take these actions unless directed to do so by a project manager or the administrator of the CCRC WAN server.
  3. To configure Eclipse editor and workspace preferences, see Configuring Eclipse workspace preferences.
  4. Save your preferences.
    • To restore all ClearTeam Explorer Groups preferences to their default settings, click Restore Defaults
    • Click Apply to set the specified preferences and leave the dialog box open.
    • Click OK to set the specified preferences and close the dialog box.
    • To nullify any changes to the ClearTeam Explorer Groups preferences you have made during the current session and close the dialog box, click Cancel.