Setting up additional license server hosts

About this task

When you purchase a new set of DevOps Code ClearCase® licenses, you can place them on another host, rather than add them to the existing license server host. Having two or more license server hosts provides a redundant source of licenses.
Note: You must make this decision before you send the DevOps Code ClearCase License Registration Form to IBM®; you must include the machine ID of the intended license server host on this form.


  1. Obtain the machine ID of the new license server host.
    DevOps Code ClearCase licenses are tied to a specific license server host by that host's IEEE Media Access Control (MAC) address, a unique identifier associated with the host's network interface hardware. You can use the clearlicense command to display the machine identifier:

    clearlicense –hostid
    Current machine identifier: 00c02e0931cf

    On a Windows® host, you can also click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then start the ClearCase program. The Licensing page displays the host's machine ID. If you need to obtain the machine ID of a host on which DevOps Code ClearCase is not yet installed, follow the instructions on the License Registration Form.
  2. Fill out the DevOps Code ClearCase License Registration Form.
    Fax the form to IBM. IBM will send you a new license key.
  3. Log on to the new license server host.
    On a host running Linux® or the UNIX® system, only root can modify the license database. On a Windows host, you must have privileges to edit its Windows registry to change the license database.
  4. Add licenses to the new host's license database.
    • On Linux or the UNIX system, you can use any text editor to append the new license string to the end of the file license.db.
    • On a Windows host, click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then start the ClearCase program. Click the Licensing page, and select the The local system can act as a license server check box. Enter the license key in the License Keys field. Click Apply or OK.
  5. Stop and restart DevOps Code ClearCase on the license server host.