Adding licenses to a license server host

About this task

Some organizations purchase a set of DevOps Code ClearCase® licenses and then purchase additional licenses later. Each time that you purchase a set of licenses, you receive a new license authorization code, called a license key, from IBM®. The key is an alphanumeric string, which you may receive in e-mail or a fax. You must enter this string into the license database correctly, preserving the case of letters, or it is not valid.


  1. Determine the host name of the license server host.
    If you do not know the name of the license server host, you can find the name from any DevOps Code ClearCase client host.
    • On a host running Linux® or the UNIX® system, the name of the license server host is stored in the file /var/adm/clearcase/config/license_host
    • On a Windows® host, the name of the license server host is displayed in the ClearCase program in Control Panel. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then start the ClearCase program. Click the Licensing page to display the name of the license server host.
  2. Log on to the license server host.
    On a host running Linux or the UNIX system, only root can modify the license database. On a Windows host, you must have privileges to edit its Windows registry to change the license database.
  3. Add the licenses.
    • On Linux or on the UNIX system, you can use any text editor to append the new license key to the end of the license.db file.
    • On a Windows host, click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then start the ClearCase program. Click the Licensing page, and select the The local system can act as a license server check box. Enter the license key into the License Keys field. Click Apply or OK.