Moving licenses to another host

If a license database contains more than one set of licenses (that is, more than one license line), you can move some sets and not move others.

About this task

Note: For classic ClearCase® (Atria) licensing, the following step 1 procedure is not required if you are changing the name of a license server host. Follow the step 1 procedure if the license host ID (as reported by clearlicense –hostid or lmutil lmhostid) changes for any reason. Common reasons for these changes include moving the license server host function to a new computer or replacing the network interface hardware of an existing license server host. If the host name of an IBM® License Key Server is changed, reissuing of the licenses is not required, but the server’s license file needs to be updated to reflect the change in host name.


  1. Move and generate the licenses.
  2. Reconfigure the clients to use the new license server, see Specifying a license server host.