Ingest Attribute index schema

The complete data mappings from specification, database and schema are shown for the Attribute category.

Attribute index schema design

Definitions for field type aliases (in it​​​alics) are described in Index Field Type Aliase​​​s and Usages page. For information about calling the Ingest service, see Search Ingest Service API. For a complete listing of Elasticsearch index fields and parameters, see Elasticsearch index field types.

Index Field​ Name​ ​Index Field Type and Options​​​ ​​​Description
Internal Me​​​ta Data​​​​​​
​_id ​internal id/store + id/language + id/attribute
_​_meta/version/min ​integer ​Minimal compatible version of the runtime to work with this document
​__meta/version/max ​integer ​Latest compatible version of the runtime that works with this document
​​__meta/created ​date Creation date and time of this document​
__meta/modified ​date Last modification date and time of this document​​
​​Document Identifier​​
​id/store id_string Internal id of the owning store
id/​language id_string The identifier of the language​
id/​attribute id_string ​The internal id of the attribute
​​identifier/specification id_string Set to "​attribute"
identifier/​store id_string A string that uniquely identifies the owning store
identifier/​language id_string The language locale of this attribute
​identifier/attribute/raw raw The original form of the attribute identifier
​identifier/attribute/normalized normalilzed ​Normalized form of the attribute identifier
​​Language Sensitive Data​​​
​name/raw raw ​The language-dependent name of this attribute
​​name/normalized normalized ​Same as above
​​description/raw raw ​A short description of this attribute
​displayable ​boolean Identifies if this attribute is displayabe at the storefront​
​searchable ​boolean Identifies if this attribute can be searched​​
​facetable ​boolean Specifies that the attribute is used as a facet in the storefront for faceted navigation​​
​comparable ​boolean Identifier if this attribute can be used for comparison​​
​merchandisable ​boolean Specifies that the attribute is used in creating merchandising rules​​
​swatchable ​boolean ​​Identifies if this attribute can be displayed with swatch image​​
​ribbon ​boolean ​​Identifies if this attribute can be displayed as a ribbon​​​
​group ​id_string ​​Specifies the name of the group of attributes. All related attributes should be created with the same group name.
​unit/identifier ​​id_string The units in which this attribute is measured
​unit/name/raw ​raw ​The description of this quantity unit
​Navigational Data​​​​
​​sequence ​float The display order of attributes in an attribute group or in the root of the attribute dictionary
​facet/limit ​integer ​The maximum values to display in the storefront for the facet
​facet/zero ​boolean ​Describes whether the facetable attribute should display zero count values
​facet/multiple boolean​ ​Describes whether the facetable attribute allows multiple selections
​facet/order ​integer​ ​The display order to use when displaying the values for the facet
​facet/search ​boolean ​Describes whether the facet should be included in keyword search
​​facet/sequence ​float ​The sequence of the facet showing in the storefront
​facet/key ​​id_string ​The normalized key that is used for Search Rule​s
​facet/group ​id_string​ ​The internal group identifier for the facet to be used in the storefront
Attribute Values​​​​​
values/id​ ​id_string​ The internal unique id for this attribute value
​​values/identifier ​​id_string The external identifier for this attribute value
​​​values/sequence​ ​float ​​A number that determines the display order of a list of allowable attribute values for this attribute
​​​​​values/value/raw ​​id_string ​​​The string value of this attribute value
​​​​​values/value/normalized normalized Same as above
​​​​​values/value/image1​ raw The image1 path of this attribute value
​​​​​values/value/image2 raw ​​​The image2 path of this attribute value
values/unit/identifier ​​id_string ​​The unit of measure identifier in which this attribute is measured
values/unit/name/raw ​raw ​​The description of the quantity unit
​​Workspace Data ​ ​
​workspace_name ​id_string ​​Describes name of the workspace. If approvedcontent then it will be "Base"
​​workspaces ​id_string ​​List of workspace details.