HCL Commerce Version or later

Ingest configuration via REST

You can configure all your Ingest connectors via a single REST endpoint. All connectors inherit a set of configurations such as global attributes and make them available as NiFi flowfile attributes inside NiFi. Having access to this endpoint, you can add or remove NiFi capabilities from outside the main NiFi process flow.

Accessible Ingest features

The default global attribute values are as follows. You can use them to quickly activate and include a variety of Ingest capabilities.
This option is used when an index alias is created. It determines the number of copies of old indexes to retain, which can be kept for recovery purposes in the future. The default value is 2.
HCL Commerce Version or latercache.invalidation.duration
HCL Commerce Version or laterDefines the maximum number of seconds for the base cache invalidation to complete. Default is 60 seconds.
HCL Commerce Version or latercache.invalidation.threshold
HCL Commerce Version or laterDefines the maximum number of entries to perform incremental cache invalidation. A full cache invalidation will be performed when this threshold has been exceeded during an ingest operation. Default is 10000.
HCL Commerce Version or laterflow.basic.nlp.category.search
HCL Commerce Version or laterDefines whether to include category names while performing a term search. Default is disabled. Note: enabling this option may result in a much larger search result set, increasing the overall response time.
HCL Commerce Version or laterflow.disable.basic.nlp
HCL Commerce Version or laterWhen set to true, NLP processing is not performed in NiFi for Basic NLP. This configuration switch has no effect when you are using Advanced NLP.
This feature enables Ingest to index the text from the store's default language for any language that does not have a translation. Enabling this feature may have a significant impact to the overall indexing time. Its default value is true.
This feature allows the Ingest runtime to not use the database version of LISTAGG and use the application level LISTAGG implementation. Although the database version is faster, it has a 32K length limitation. Its default value is true. For more information, see .LISTAGG() and Serialize.
This function allows retrying only failed entries in a bulk request instead of the entire flowfile. The default is false.
This feature enables Ingest to not include Marketplace capabilities into the Search indices. Its default value is false.
HCL Commerce Version or laterflow.wait.strategy
HCL Commerce Version or laterDefines the default strategy for WaitLink:
  • Bulk: only unblocked by signal send from Bulk Service
  • Any: same as Bulk, but can also be unblocked by inactivity detected in SQL or Bulk. This is the default.
This number specifies the range of proximity that the MatchMaker uses for approximation when performing searches. The default is 0.2, which means +/- 20%. The default value is 0.2.
This option allows smart copying of prices from price index to product index in the given environment type(s). The default is set to "auth, live".
This option allows smart copying of inventories from inventory index to product index in the given environment type(s). The default is set to "auth, live".
This option defines whether to execute the post-index connector in the background. The default is set to false.
This option defines which Elasticsearch nodegroup setup is being used - single or dual. The default is single.
Defines the maximum number of seconds for the base cache invalidation to complete. The default is 60 seconds.
Defines the maximum number of entries to perform incremental cache invalidation. A full cache invalidation will be performed when this threshold has been exceeded during an ingest operation. The default value is 10000.
Defines the default strategy for WaitLink:
  • Bulk: only unblocked by signal sent from Bulk Service
  • Any: same as Bulk, but can also be unblocked by inactivity detected in SQL or Bulk. This is the default.
HCL Commerce Version or laterflow.index.attribute.name
HCL Commerce Version or laterIf the search phrase matches the attribute name, a search will be conducted on the attribute names under the new default settings. This may result in several product matches to the attribute name. However, you may use the configuration endpoint in the ingest node to alter the flow.index.attribute.name property value to false in order to deactivate the attribute name search.
Note: Also set the index.nlp.attribute.name variable to false in the NLPService process group inside NiFi.
Defines whether to include category names while performing a term search. Default is disabled.
Note: Enabling this option may result in a much larger search result set, increasing the overall response time.
From HCL Commerce version onwards, enabling flow.product.rollupAssociations, the parent product will also reflect all the merchandising associations added in SKUs of that parent product along with existing merchandising associations.
HCL Commerce Version or later
From HCL Commerce version onwards a new ingest option, flow.index.flattened, has been added to stop map explosion.  However, this option comes with a performance degradation cost during faceting and filtering, especially when the facetable attributions contain many entries. The default value is to not index with a "flattened" data type, that is, "false." Enable this option (by setting it to "true") when encountering an incredibly long ingest time while loading many attributes into a product document.
You can ingest catalog data from your own database table for CATENTRY and CATGROUP, and use this as the basis for all downstream ingest operations. Use the following global attributes to define this custom base table condition.
  • Use flow.database.schema to define the custom database schema name to be used for indexing.
  • Use custom.table.catentry to provide a custom CATENTRY table to refine the base scope of catalog entry SQLs.
  • Use custom.where.catentry to provide a custom Where clause of the custom CATENTRY table.
  • Use custom.table.catgroup to provide a custom CATGROUP table to refine the base scope of catalog group SQLs.
  • Use custom.where.catgroup to provide a custom Where clause of the custom CATGROUP table.
To set a custom value to an Ingest feature, you could issue the following REST call,
PATCH /search/resources/api/v2/configuration?nodeName=ingest&envType=auth
with the following content:
    "global": {
        "connector": [
                "name": "attribute",
                "property": [
{                         "name": name_of_ingest_feature,
                         "value": value_of_this_property                     }

To disable the default database version of the LISTAGG table, you would include the following payload in the request:
    "global": {
        "connector": [
                "name": "attribute",
                "property": [
{                         "name": "flow.database.listagg",
                         "value": "false"                     }

From HCL Commerce onwards, enabling flow.product.rollupAssociations, the parent product will also reflect all the merchandising associations added in SKUs of that parent product along with existing merchandising associations.
    "global": {
        "connector": [
                "name": "attribute",
                "property": [

{                         "name": "flow.product.rollupAssociations",                         "value": "true"                     }