CI/CD strategy to deploy customizations
The HCL Commerce Search Elasticsearch solution does not dictate the data repository or scripting needed to automate a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. You have the flexibility to use your own data repository and build structure. The following topics describe a recommended approach including a suggested data pipeline structure.
A CI/CD pipeline should enable you to automate many or most of the process of rolling our changes to your customizations. In order to do this, the pipeline requires a consistent data structure that can be passed from stage to stage, and presumes these stages are repeated in a predictable sequence. While you can implement such a pipeline according to your own needs, we describe a recommended set of stages and the associated data structures below.
Stages of the CI/CD pipeline
While you can construct a CI/CD pipeline in many ways, a useful approach for HCL Commerce Search customizations involves the following steps.
- Codify a standard data package structure for your customizations
- To automate the delivery of your customizations, ensure that you
consistently store changes to:
- Custom configurations,
- Custom logic code, and
- Search release code and patches.
- Customize your code
- Customize the Ingest application image
- You are likely to change or touch the following resources when
you customize Ingest. All new and updated files from these
locations need to be available when you rebuild the Ingest
Docker container. For details, see Customizing Search for CI/CD automation.
- The custom connector descriptor, found at /profile/apps/search-ingest.ear/search-ingest.war/WEB-INF/classes/deployments/commerce, and the connector descriptor properties (used to override default connector pipe properties), found at/profile/apps/search-ingest.ear/search-ingest.war/WEB-INF/classes/deployments/customization. For a discussion of how to organize this task for CI/CD, see Example: deploying a connector for CI/CD. You can use the same general process for each of the following components.
- Flow customizations, in the Registry. These extensions
are updated every five minutes in the
directory.Note: Ingest synchronizes NiFi canvas at each startup by importing (new) custom connectors and applying custom properties
- Customize the Query application image
- You are likely to change or touch the following resources when
you customize the Query service. All new and updated files from
these locations need to be available when you rebuild the Query
Docker container.
- Ingest configurations (for global attributes), which can be found in the Query container at /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/ingest-configs.json.
- The Ingest profile for Query. This can be found in the Query container at /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/profiles/ingest.
- REST handlers, found in /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes.
- Component configurations, found in the /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/wc-component.json.
- Custom search profiles, which be under /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/profiles/in the productview, categoryview or sitecontent subdirectories.
- Search profile (Java) custom extension logic, located under /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes.
- Custom NLP profile, by default the file HCL_NLPProfile.json. This file is located in /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/profiles/nlp.
- Matchmaker files, found in the /profile/apps/search-query.ear/search-query.war/WEB-INF/classes/colors(_locale).properties, ...units(_locale).properties, and ...filter(_locale).properties directories.
- Customize NiFi processors and NiFi flows
- Construct any new NiFi processors and NiFi flows using the
guidelines in Creating a custom NiFi process group.
Resources include:
- The Ingest profile (Java) extension for NiFi. This can be found in the NiFi container at /opt/nifi/nifi-current/extensions as a NAR file.
- Apply any service fixes to your custom images
- Ensure that you have applied the most recent service fixes. This
includes deploying hot fixes and image upgrades. Autopatching
hot fixes involves picking up the following kinds of files from
the /patches directory:
- Ingest: binary code, connector (Json) descriptor.
- Registry: flow (dynamic loading via file or Registry UI).
- Query: binary code, profile (Json) descriptor.
Upgrading images: When NiFi is configured to use Persistent Volume storage, the following sequence of deployment is required in order to allow the NiFi canvas update to be performed automatically.For an up-to-date list of hot fixes, see Fixes that are included in HCL Commerce releases.- NiFi + Registry + Query
- NiFi + Ingest Note: When you are using a Persistent Volume, you must restart the pod one more time after upgrading it to a new image in order to complete NiFi canvas auto-upgrade.
- Deploy custom images to your test environments
- Ensure that you test all of your changes before deploying them. See Testing and debugging in the Customizing Ingest profiles topic, and Logging and troubleshooting the Ingest and Query services for more information.
- Push your changes to a source code repository
- Push code to a source code repository. For example, Git. Refer to the Example .sra file structure for CI/CD automation
- Use an automated scripting tool to pull images from the repository, build new Docker images and activate them
- Set up CI/CD pipeline using the CI/CD tool, Jenkins. Create and implement
Jenkins scripts so that the CI/CD pipeline pulls the customization package
from the repository, creates new Docker images and then pushes the images to
a Docker repository. For more information, see Automating the CI/CD pipeline.Note: You can use any other CI/CD tool to set up and implement the CI/CD pipeline. Ensure that you research before deciding which CI/CD tool you want to implement to facilitate your CI/CD pipeline. Think about which CI/CD tool works best for your business.