Action: Get Price from Price List
Use this action to specify an existing price list to use in the price rule. For example, you can specify the Offer Price list in this action. As a result, the price rule will get prices for catalog entries from the price list you specify.
- As the only action on the path.
In this case, the price rule will output the price from the price list as is. Here is an example:
- As input to other actions on the path.
Use this approach if you want your price rule to adjust the prices in the price list. In this case, you must include another action, such as a Calculate Price action, to the right of the Get Price from Price List action. Here is an example:
Prerequisites for using this action
The price list you want to use must already exist in Management Center so that you can specify it in the Get Price from Price List action. See Managing price lists.Guidelines for using this action
- You can specify only one price list to use. If you want to use more than one price list in a price rule, your price rule must have a branch with multiple paths; each path can use a different price list.
- Do not place two Get Price from Price List actions on the same path in a price rule. If you do, the first is ignored in the price rule.