HCL Commerce Version

HCL Commerce

HCL Commerce was released on June 2, 2023. A fix pack for HCL Commerce, HCL Commerce was released on June 21, 2023. A second fix pack for HCL Commerce, HCL Commerce was released on July 20, 2023.

Fix packs

HCL Commerce fix packs are generally intended to address Elasticsearch functionality with defect fixes, and are made available between major releases, beginning with In some circumstances fix packs are also used to resolve issues that are discovered with releases. It is recommend to upgrade to the latest fix pack as it becomes available. Only certain images within the release are updated for fix pack releases. These updated containers, with modified fix pack file names, are intended to be used with the remaining original containers of the same release.

Release Date Updated containers
HCL Commerce July 20, 2023
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_Query_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_Ingest_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_NiFi_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_NiFi_Registry_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_Query_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_Ingest_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_NiFi_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.2_Data_NiFi_Registry_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Search_Bundle_9.1.13.2.zip
HCL Commerce June 21, 2023
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_Query_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_Ingest_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_NiFi_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_NiFi_Registry_Server_x86-64.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_Query_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_Ingest_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_NiFi_Server_ppc64le.tgz
  • HCL_Commerce_Enterprise_9.1.13.1_Data_NiFi_Registry_Server_ppc64le.tgz
HCL Commerce June 2, 2023 Full release.

For a full list of the release files and their associated MD5 checksum values, see HCL Commerce eAssemblies.

Security updates

HCL Commerce contains the following security-related fixes.
Affected software CVE(s) Vulnerability
Elasticsearch CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2976, WS-2021-0646 Multiple vulnerabilities in open source libraries affect HCL Commerce with Elasticsearch
HCL Commerce contains the following security-related fixes.
Affected software CVE(s) Vulnerability
WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server CVE-2023-32342, CVE-2023-27554, CVE-2023-24966, CVE-2022-39161 Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server affect HCL Commerce
IBM Java SDK and IBM HTTP Server CVE-2023-30441, CVE-2023-25690 Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK and IBM HTTP Server included with IBM WebSphere Application Server affect HCL Commerce
WebSphere Application Server CVE-2023-24998, CVE-2023-26283 Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM WebSphere Application Server affect HCL Commerce

Important changes

HCL Commerce contains the following important changes to site features and functionality.

Important: Required changes
  • After upgrading to HCL Commerce with the Elasticsearch-based search solution, you must delete any existing boost scripts.
    1. Run the following REST API calls to delete any existing scripts.
      DELETE - http://ESHOST:ESPORT/_scripts/boost-script-param-1
      DELETE - http://ESHOST:ESPORT/_scripts/boost-script-param-2
      DELETE - http://ESHOST:ESPORT/_scripts/boost-script-param-3
      Note: you can use the GET request method to check for existing scripts.
    2. Restart the Query service to re-generate the appropriate boot scripts for this release.
  • A new parameter is added for health checking on the query server to stop the query server from starting until the NER file is generated. This behavior is controlled by the LockQueryServiceForNLPIntialization parameter, which is configurable in the wc-component.xml file. This parameter is set to 'prod, preprod', which means that by default both prod and preprod environments will not start until the NER file has been generated.
  • The IBM json4j.jar file is deprecated. It will still function, however the recommended version for new development work is wink-json4j-1.4.jar.

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  • The security settings for XML processing in inbound web services that use the Program Adapter and WCS.INTEGRATION message mapper were strengthened in HCL Commerce You may need to update the configuration around handling external entities if it is too restrictive for your environment.

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  • Management Center for HCL Commerce in all releases and greater now report business user analytics to HCL. This information assists HCL in the development of new features and the enhancement of existing business user tools.
    Note: Only high level business user behaviors in new tools within Management Center are collected. No sensitive information about the user or the organization that owns the environment is captured or transmitted to HCL. Specifically, the URLs of the pages that business users access are logged. Event data such as the version of HCL Commerce and the deployment type, as well as generic information about the browser, are also collected. Google Analytics also captures general location information, if users have opted-in through their browser settings.
    Important: When starting the Tooling Web Docker container in versions through, you must set the container deployment type. Failure to do so will prevent the container from starting. Ensure that you set the deployment type via the DEPLOYMENT_TYPE container environment variable, or in Vault at the following path ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/deploymentType. Accepted values are development, staging, or production.
    The collection of this data can be disabled during deployment. For more information on disabling this data collection, see the following steps in the deployment documentation:
    • For Docker deployments, see step #8 in the deployment prerequisites.
    • For Kubernetes deployments, see step #11 in the deployment prerequisites.
    • For SoFy deployments, see step #2 in the deployment.
  • Hystrix is no longer supported by its maintainers. It is recommended to disable Hystrix on the Store server. For more information, see Disabling Hystrix on the Store server.
  • Upgrading to HCL Commerce with a social network OAuth 2.0 login integration that was configured prior to requires changes to be made for the integration to continue working. No action will result in the integration ceasing to function.

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  • From HCL Commerce version onwards, Spring is upgraded from version 4.x to version 5.x. You must update your existing spring-extension.xml Spring configuration file with the supportedMethods property and the associated values of GET and POST.
    For example:
    <bean id="/GetRootManagedDirectory" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.ParameterizableViewController">
    <property name="viewName" value="/jsp/commerce/attachment/restricted/GetRootManagedDirectory.jsp"/>
    <property name="supportedMethods" value="GET,POST"/>

Feature enhancements

The following features have been introduced in this release. Review the following list to ensure that your site is prepared once this update is applied.

Indicates enhancements inspired by or created by customers and partners, and submitted through the HCL Commerce | Product Portal. Sign up to vote and submit your own ideas!

Feature previewThe Ruby storefront
The Ruby store is based on the framework that enables React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generation of static websites. Ruby provides a number of features to enhance site, product, and search management and interactions.
The Ruby store has not been fully tested in all user scenarios. It is provided as a technology preview and is therefore not currently recommended for use in production environments.

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Customer Service Representative (CSR) post order capabilities

The Customer Service Representative (CSR) tool now supports non-headless stores such as AuroraEsite and AuroraB2BEsite.

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Google Analytics enhancements
Google Analytics supports GA4 reporting in Management Center.

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React store preview improvements
Management Center now allows you to preview the following information along with previewing settings:

Page and Layout Information Learn more...

Widget Information Learn more...

Page Composer support for the Storefront Asset Store
Management Center supports the Storefront Asset Store (SAS) through the Page Composer tool.

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Allow display of inventory without blocking ordering based on that inventory
An inventory flag for the non-ATP inventory system enables you to skip the inventory check and return the actual inventory quantity. It allows the store to display the inventory quantity without blocking ordering based on that inventory.

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Elasticsearch monitoring toolkit
Comprehensive documentation of the Elasticsearch toolkit guides you through different performance scenarios, discusses monitoring tools for Elasticsearch, and helps you identify critical metrics that require regular checks.

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The marketing command cache rules are now relocated and enabled in the Transaction server. If the marketing cache rules were introduced previously by manual customization, they should be removed.

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Defect fixes

See HCL Commerce, HCL Commerce, and HCL Commerce in Fixes that are included in HCL Commerce releases for a detailed list of defects that were fixed in this release and its associated fix packs.

Supported companion software

HCL Commerce has been tested with the following companion software.
Commerce Companion software Database Browsers
HCL Commerce Version
  • WebSphere Application Server + PH50863 + PH52785 + PH53252
  • WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty + PH50863
  • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version
  • IBM HTTP Server + PH53014
  • Elasticsearch
    • x86-647.17.3
    • Power7.17.3
  • ZooKeeper
    • x86-643.8.0
    • Power3.8.0
  • Redis
    • x86-647.0.4
    • Power7.0.4
  • Reddison 3.17.4
  • NiFi 1.17.0
  • NiFi Registry 1.17.0
  • Vault 1.13.1
  • Solr-based search solution
    • IBM Db2
      • x86-6411.5.8
      • Power11.5
    • Oracle 18c
    • Oracle 19c
  • Elasticsearch-based search solution
    • IBM Db2
      • x86-6411.5.8
      • Power11.5
    • Oracle 19c
  • Approval server
    • PostgreSQL 14.5
  • Management Center for HCL Commerce
    • Edge 20+
    • Internet Explorer 9+
    • Firefox 39+
    • Chrome 44+
    • Safari 10+
  • React-based storefronts
    • Edge 87+
    • Firefox 84+
    • Chrome 87+
    • Safari 14+
  • Aurora-based storefronts
    • Internet Explorer 20H2+
    • Edge 87+
    • Firefox 84+
    • Chrome 87+
    • Safari 14+