Deprecated feature

Registry Manager

The Registry Manager maintains a set of registries for caching HCL Commerce runtime data. Each registry provides methods to enable adding, deleting, and refreshing of the registry content. These methods are available to the URL interface by using the ListRegistry and the RefreshRegistry commands.

HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: From HCL Commerce version and above, Registry Manager can maintain a set of registries from Administration Console as well as Management Center. However, Management Center is recommended.

If the data in the tables that are associated with a registry is changed, you must refresh that registry for the change to take effect. For example, if a new entry is added to the Struts Configuration , the UrlRegistry has to be refreshed. Otherwise, the HCL Commerce runtime environment does not recognize the new URL.

This table shows the registries available by default in the Administration Console. The list of registry components, their usage, and their associated database table, class, or file is as follows.

Registry component Usage Associated database table, class, or file
Access Control Policies Authorizes a group of users to perform a set of actions on a set of resources within HCL Commerce. Unless authorized within one or more access control policies, users have no access to any functions of the system. ACPOLGPPOL, ACPLGPSUBS
Access Control Policy Groups Each HCL Commerce business model has its own set of access control policies. In order to group the sets of policies within the models, policy groups were created. Policies are explicitly assigned to appropriate policy groups and then organizations can subscribe to one or more of these policy groups. ACPOLGPPOL, ACPOLGRP
Access Control Resources The entities that are protected by access control. For example, if the action is a view, the resource to be protected is the command that invoked the view, such as For access control purposes, resources are grouped into resource groups. ACRESPRIM, ACRESGPRES,ACRESACT, ACRESCGRY, ACRESREL, ACRESGRP, ACRESATREL
Business Context Configuration Registry Defines the different business contexts that are available to the site, and the business context set, which is a logical grouping of business contexts for a particular type of request. If no business context set is defined for the request, the default business context set is used. Business context configuration file
Business Policy Business policies. Sets of rules followed by a store or group of stores that define business processes, industry practices, and the scope and characteristics of a store's or group of stores' offerings POLICY, POLICYCMD
Business Policy Price List Caches the relationship between TCs and their related policy IDs and price lists under a specified store. TERMCOND POLICYTC POLICY
Calculation Calculation rules, methods, ranges for coupon, discount, shipping, and taxes.
Note: The Calculation registry component is updated automatically when a promotion is created, activated, deactivated, or deleted.
The Calculation registry manages several caches of calculation-related data elements. By default, most caches can hold up to a maximum size of 300 elements. Element eviction occurs on a least recently used basis when the limit is reached. The default limits can be changed by including the applicable tags in the InstanceProperties section of the wc-server.xml instance configuration file:


< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="30000" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />
< maxSize="300" />



This registry must be refreshed whenever coupon, discount, shipping, or taxation configuration is changed. Inventory configuration registry Sterling OMS Inventory Registry Sterling OMS order registry Requisition list upload configuration registry Commerce rest configuration listener
Command Execution Triggers The trigger points that are enabled for HCL Commerce commands, such as entry, exit, and exception.
Commerce Commands HCL Commerce commands that enable the Transaction server to look up an implementation and default parameters for a command interface. CMDREG
Contract Store Caches the store that a contract is deployed in. CONTRACT,STORECNTR
Currency Manager Store currency, including the customer or buyer preferred currencies and shopping currencies. CURLIST, CURCVLIST, CURCONVERT, CURFORMAT, CURFMTDESC, STORELANG, NUMBRUSG, STOREENT (If the column SETCURR changes)
Customer Profile Cache Caches customer segments and other member groups. Membership profile management
Encryption Keys Encryption keys
Excluded Default Contract Caches the default contract that a buyer contract excludes. STOREREL,POLICY, STOREDEF
ExperimentRegistry Contains static methods that you can use to get a cached instance of an experiment. These methods can be used to refresh the cached experiments to reflect the current state of data in the database. ExperimentRegistry
ExternalRuleEngineRegistry External rule engine registry
Fulfillment Caches fulfillment-related entities, such as ShippingArrangements. FulfillmentRegistry
GiftListRuleRegistry Gift list rule registry
Gift Registry Rules When activated, queries the GRREGRULE database table and creates a GiftRegistryRuleEntry for each rule that is defined into a hash table. The GiftRegistryRuleEntry is used to create an instance of the GiftRegistryRuleRegistry. GRREGRULE,
InventoryConfigurationRegistry Inventory configuration registry
Language Specifies a list of languages that are supported by HCL Commerce.
Note: When individually refreshing the Language registry, the Store registry must also be updated.
Marketing Campaign, Web activity, and e-Marketing Spot related information, including the rule that determines the marketing content to be displayed to customers and the conditions under which the customers are restricted. CAMPAIGN, INITIATIVE, EMSPOT, and INTVSCHED
Marketplace Price List Caches fixed pricing in marketplace Store. TRADING,ACCOUNT, andSTOREDEF
Member Registration Attributes Specifies attributes that must automatically be assigned to users and organizations during user and organization registration and some authentication scenarios. Caches information that is used in the WC/xml/member/MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file. MemberRegistrationAttributes XML file
Payment Plug-in Controller Registers the payment plug-in controller (PPC).
Payment Rules Contains the Payment Rules configuration that is registered into the Registry Manager when it is loaded. It is used to hot update the Payment Rules configuration if the customer does not intend to restart the server. EDPRegistry
Performance Group Counter Performance group counter Performance counters
Price Lists Caches PriceList and PriceListId. Used by PriceListId to get PriceList and verifies whether the specific PriceList is already in the cache. If it is not in the cache, the PriceListRegistry retrieves the PriceList from the TRADEPOSCN database table. The PriceListRegistry returns the TradingPositionContainerAccessBean, and places it into the cache.

Used by priceListOwnerId and priceListName to get PriceListId and verifies whether the specific priceListId is already in the cache. If it is not already in the cache, the PriceList is retrieved from the TRADEPOSCN database table and priceList Id is returned and placed in the cache.

Promotion Groups Promotion Group information. PX_GROUP
Promotion Policies Promotion Policy information. PX_POLICY
Promotions Promotion information. PX_PROMOTION
Quantity Manager Quantities within orders, including the conversion format rules, quantity formats, and descriptions. QTYCONVERT, QTYFORMAT, QTYFMTDESC, NUMBRUSG
RequisitionListUploadConfigRegistry Requisition list upload configuration registry
RestActionConfigRegistry Rest action configuration registry
RESTConfigRegistry Rest configuration registry
RuleBasedCategoryConfiguration Rule based category configuration
Shipping Modes Caches the shipping mode. SHIPMODE
SimpleOffline Plug-in Registers the SimpleOffline plug-in.
SterlingOMSInventoryRegistry Sterling OMS inventory registry
SterlingOMSOrderRegistry Sterling OMS order registry
Store Configuration File This registry caches the store configuration file (SCF) and must be refreshed whenever this file is updated. Tools that modify the store configuration file automatically refreshes this registry. The store configuration file for a specific store is in the path that is defined by the SCFFile variable in the instance configuration file.
Stores Store information STORE, STOREENT, and STOREGRP
Struts Configuration The Struts configuration files from all HCL Commerce web modules.
Supplier Hub Default Contracts Caches the default contracts of supplier hosted stores that a supplier hub is associated with. STOREREL, and STOREDEF
Supplier Hub User-eligible Buyer Contracts Caches the buyer contracts that a user is eligible for in supplier hosted stores that a supplier hub is associated with. STOREREL, and STOREDEF
Telesales Telesales
Terms and Conditions Caches TermCondition objects. TCDESC, TCATTR, TERMCOND,
Terms and Conditions Mapping Registers new types of terms and the properties for those terms. To use new terms for contracts in the HCL Commerce Accelerator user interface or the HCL Commerce runtime environment, the values must be propagated to this registry. TCDESC, TCATTR, TERMCOND
Trading Agreement Trading agreements HCL Commerce supports several trading agreement types, including account, contract, RFQs, exchange, and auctions. The trading agreement types are defined in the TRDTYPE table. TRADING
URL Commands HCL Commerce controller commands (also called URLs) URL Registry
URL Views HCL Commerce view commands View Registry