- Troubleshooting: Prerequisite issues
If you encounter problems that are related to prerequisite errors during the installation of a WebSphere Commerce fix pack, review the following issues.
- Troubleshooting: Locate the fix pack backup files
Before you uninstall a fix pack, ensure that the fix pack backup files exist on the system. Without these backup files, you cannot uninstall the fix pack successfully.
- Troubleshooting: Determining what APARs are installed on WebSphere Commerce
You can view which APAR fixes are included in a maintenance package by first, finding your WebSphere Commerce level.
- Troubleshooting: Errors encountered during the GUI installation of the fix pack to the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities client
When you attempt to apply a fix pack, a message is logged stating the fix pack cannot be installed.
- Troubleshooting: Error encountered when you install a fix pack with the Configuration Manager server or Help server running
During the installation of a WebSphere Commerce fix pack, certain files are not updated and the installation fails.
- Troubleshooting: Error encountered when you attempt a silent uninstallation of a fix pack
When you try to uninstall a fix pack by using the silent method, an error occurs and the uninstall fails.
- Troubleshooting: Error encountered when you run multiple WebSphere Commerce Update Installer processes at one time
When you use the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer to install a maintenance package, you receive a INSTCONFFAILED message.
- Troubleshooting: Errors encountered during a fix pack uninstall
When you try to uninstall a fix pack, an error is logged to indicate that there is no backup package available.
- Troubleshooting: Error messages in setpermission.err file
Messages indicate that no files or directories are logged during a fix pack installation or uninstallation.
- The updatedb script fails during the application of the fix pack
If the updatedb script fails, you can try to perform a manual update of the database.
- Troubleshooting: Error message when applying a fix pack using the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer
When applying a WebSphere Commerce fix pack, a message indicates that APARs are already installed on your system.
- Troubleshooting: Errors when you uninstall the fix pack from the WebSphere Commerce instance
NIFException error is logged when you are uninstalling the fix pack from a WebSphere Commerce instance.
- Troubleshooting: Instance creation fails during database creation
A WebSphere Commerce instance creation fails during database creation.
- Troubleshooting: Database connectivity
You can encounter database connectivity issues when you are creating instances, applying maintenance, or running many WebSphere Commerce utilities. You can use the database connection validation utility to determine whether any configured database parameters that are required to establish a database connection are invalid.
- Fix pack installation on an instance fails with ADMA4003E error
When you attempt to install a fix pack on a WebSphere Commerce instance, you encounter an ADMA4003E error.