Enabling error message details in the storefront
The storefront hides specific error details from shoppers by default for security purposes. For example, instead of seeing a 404 error page with details, shoppers instead see a generic error page. If you need to enable error message details in the storefront, to satisfy a particular business requirement, you can enable verbose error messages in the configuration file.
Note: You can, however, be exposing the internal details of your application.
Open the configuration file.
Add the following snippet to the security section of the file.
For example:
<Security AdminPwd="Ua4xMY1lGEqYbwa0gxDxGg==" AdminUser="configadmin" AuthMode="LDAP" Realm="" RunAsID="configadmin" RunAsPwd="Ua4xMY1lGEqYbwa0gxDxGg==" enabled="true" enabledGlobal="true" passwordpolicy="true" VerboseErrorMessages="true"/>
Deploy the file to the WebSphere Commerce EAR.
Republish the WebSphere Commerce application.