Troubleshooting: Data Load configuration file content is invalid

An error occurs when you are running the Data Load utility that generates an error message that the configuration file content is invalid.


When you try running the data load utility, you get an error similar to the following error message:
The configuration XML file is invalid. The error occurred in: file:yourconfigurationXMLfile, on line: 72, column: 69. Error detected was: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element '_config:property'. One of '{"":BusinessContext}' is expected..
Where yourconfigurationXMLfile is the name of the specified configuration XML file.

This error occurs if for your Data Load utility configuration file has an invalid XML declaration.

Note: If this error is encountered when the Catalog Upload feature in Management Center is used to load data, your configuration XML file can be incorrectly customized.


This error can occur if there are XML elements that are declared before the _config:property element in the _config:LoadItem declaration. Specify the _config:property before you specify any other elements in the _config:LoadItem declaration