Installing WebSphere Commerce V7 Developer Fix Pack 9 cumulative interim fix JR57861.fp (readme)Installing WebSphere Commerce V7 Fix Pack 9, cumulative interim fix JR57861.fp (readme)Installing WebSphere Commerce V7 Feature Pack 8, cumulative interim fix JR57861.fep (readme)Installing WebSphere Commerce V7 Developer Feature Pack 8, cumulative interim fix JR57861.fep (readme)

Cumulative interim fix JR57861 is a fully tested package that includes all the interim fixes that have accumulated for Fix Pack 9Feature Pack 8. This package eliminates the complicated installation process of applying many fixes individually. Any Fix Pack 9Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are installed on the environment do not need to be uninstalled. Any Fix Pack 9 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this cumulative interim fix as a prerequisite.Any Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this cumulative interim fix as a prerequisite.

Follow these instructions to successfully install the interim fix JR57861.fpJR57861.fep on WebSphere Commerce Developer Developer Feature Pack 8V7 Feature Pack 8.
Attention: If you encounter an Out Of Memory condition during the installation of this fix, see Encountering Out Of Memory during APAR installation.

1. Preparing to install JR57861

  • Complete the steps in the following topic, Preparing to install WebSphere Commerce maintenance.
  • Ensure that WebSphere Commerce Developer 7.0 is at the level (Fix Pack 9)Feature Pack 8 level before you apply this interim fix. This interim fix is not applicable to any other fix packfeature pack versions of WebSphere Commerce Developer 7.0.
  • Ensure that features are enabled. For more information, see Enabling features.
  • Ensure that you also downloaded the latest cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 9 (JR57861.fp) before you attempt to install the feature pack cumulative. The fix pack cumulative is a prerequisite.
  • Ensure that you are using the latest version 7.x of WebSphere Commerce Update Installer.
    Warning: If you need to install a newer version of Update Installer (UPDI), ensure that you do not overwrite the original Update Installer that is in the WCDE_installdir/UpdateInstaller directory. Install the new version to a different directory and use the new UPDI version to install an interim fix. The original UPDI version is used by Installation Manager when you upgrade a fix pack in WebSphere Commerce Developer. If you overwrite the original UPDI version, Installation Manager will fail during a fix pack upgrade.
  • Ensure that customizations are backed up and can be reimplemented if necessary. IBM ensures that the IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce compile completes successfully when only IBM code is present. IBM cannot ensure that the compile is successful when client-customized code is also present. If the compile is not successful, you must consult with Management Center developers who implemented the customizations.
  • Stop the WebSphere Commerce test server.
  • Create a back-up of your store archive file (.sar) if you are using a published store that is based on the Feature Pack 8 Aurora starter store.

    This fix changes Aurora starter store files.

    You can locate the file in the ConsumerDirect or ExtendedSites subdirectories in the following location:
    • WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/starterstores/
    • WCDE_installdir/starterstores/
Note: If you upgraded from Feature Pack 2 or 3 to Feature Pack 8 and encountered errors when you tried to enable foundation, this cumulative interim fix solves the issue but requires unique installation steps. Review the following topic before you begin installing the cumulative interim fix, Enabling features when you upgrade from Feature Pack 2 or 3 to Feature Pack 8.

2. Installing WebSphere Commerce Developer cumulative interim fix JR57861.fpJR57861.fep

You must install this interim fix from the machine where you created your WebSphere Commerce instances. If customizations are not deployed by using the recommended methods, they might be lost by applying this fix. For more information, see Deploying in the IBM Knowledge Center. Complete the following steps to install the cumulative interim fix and then manually enable fixes on your environment.


  1. Install the cumulative interim fix by following the steps in Installing WebSphere Commerce Developer interim fixes Installing WebSphere Commerce interim fixes.
    Note: If you upgraded from Feature Pack 2 or 3 to Feature Pack 8 and encountered errors when you tried to enable foundation, this cumulative interim fix solves the issue but requires unique installation steps. Review the following topic before you begin installing the cumulative interim fix, Enabling features when you upgrade from Feature Pack 2 or 3 to Feature Pack 8.
  2. This cumulative interim fix updates the following files, which you might have customized:
    • WC_eardir/xml/PromotionEngineConfiguration/WCSPromotionEngineConfig.xml
    • WC_installdir/wc.ear/xml/PromotionEngineConfiguration/WCSPromotionEngineConfig.xml  
    • WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/xml/PromotionEngineConfiguration/WCSPromotionEngineConfig.xml
    Compare and merge the updates into your customized version of the WCSPromotionEngineConfig.xml file.
  3. Review the optional steps and complete any steps that apply to your environment.
  4. Review the optional steps and complete any steps that apply to your environment.
  5. Republish your WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

3. Completing optional steps after you install cumulative interim fix JR57861.fep

Some fixes and enhancements that are included in this package are not automatically enabled because you might not need them on your environment. The following list describes optional fixes and enhancements that you can manually enable. Review the following section to see if you want to enable any new features or apply any particular fixes.

Before you begin

Before you review the following steps, review section 3 of the cumulative interim fix (JR57861.fp) for Fix Pack 9, Completing optional steps after you install cumulative interim fix JR57861.fpCompleting optional steps after you install cumulative interim fix JR57861.fp.


  1. Fixes and enhancements related to Stores and Mobile:
    1. Enabling interim fix JR56672 - Enable this fix if you want your store to be able to override publish option at product and category level.
    2. Optional: Enabling store-related interim fixes - Enable these fixes if you encounter any of the following issues in your Aurora starter store.
      • JR51843 fixes an issue where a shopper's order history, wish list, and other store pages display empty product information when a product is not in the current sales catalog
      • JR51876 fixes an issue where non-English characters display in the browser title after you republish the Aurora starter store.
      • JR52816 fixes display issues and link-related issues in the Facebook Like and Facebook Activity widgets
      • JR53899 supports the use of commas (;) in the price range fields of the price range facet
      • JR55162 fixes an issue where, if you are integrated with Sterling Configurator, the "Change configuration" option incorrectly displays on the Check out pages even if the predefined dynamic kit is not configurable.
      • JR56588 fixes an issue where some mobile page actions fail with Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) errors.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    3. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55605 - Enable this fix if you want to enhance the SEO URL keyword generation utility performance for environments with an Oracle database.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    4. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55526 - Enable this fix if you encounter issues where where a shopper cannot scroll on an Aurora mobile store if the shopper is using Google Chrome browser Version 48 or newer.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    5. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54726 - Enable this fix if you want your store to redirect to the product URL when a shopper clears all defining attributes for a product.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    6. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54193 and JR53752 - Enable these fixes if you encounter the following issues:
      • Discount widget does not show a promotion if the promotion is set at the SKU level
      • After resolving a SKU on the Product Display page, several widgets incorrectly display product information rather than SKU information
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    7. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR52714 - Enable this fix if you are integrated with Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite 9.4 and you want to be able to view the Order Details page for a store order.
      Interim fix JR52714 addresses an issue where an order details service call that includes the ModificationType input parameter does not return the JSON response in the expected format. You can enable this fix to ensure that users can see order history details on the Order Details page when side-by-side integration is enabled between WebSphere Commerce and Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  2. Fixes and enhancements related to Search:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR57713 - Enable this fix if you encounter ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException errors after an inventory index update.
    2. Optional: Applying interim fix JR56748- Enable this fix if you need to use the deleteFromDeltaTable parameter when you run the UpdateSearchIndex utility.
    3. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR56299 - Enable this fix if you notice that Search cache invalidations are not propagated to production server.
      Note: By completing this step, you also enable the following features:
      • The ability to use the di-buildindex utility on an Oracle 12c database
      • The ability to use an option to incrementally publish or unpublish a product or category for each language independently
      • Ensures that the full image is displayed when a thumbnail image is selected.
      • Ensures that the sequence of products in the product list page on the storefront matches the sequence that is defined in Management Center
      • Ensure that the user-defined product sequence is respected when you enable Search Result Grouping and hero product.
      • Enables the ability to override the item's sequence value with its parent product's sequence value in the search index.
    4. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55670 - Enable this fix if you notice situations where SKUs are not displayed in the sequence that is specified in the Management Center.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    5. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53912 - Enable this fix to resolve an issue where some keyword suggestions can lead to empty search results if the keyword belongs to a different store, catalog, or Catalog Filter.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    6. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54703 - Enable this fix if you want to specify a list of URI prefixes to be skipped, so that the store path is not added to image URLs.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    7. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54025 - Enable this fix if you want support for boosting fields from an extension index using sum and product Solr functions.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    8. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54001 - Enable this fix if you want a search configuration to limit the spell check correction to display collation query results only. If you do not enable this fix, you might notice that for searches that include misspelled words, WebSphere Commerce combines collation query suggestions and non-collation query suggestions into one list under the "Did you mean" results.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    9. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53857 - Enable this fix to ensure that the site content crawler can crawl pages that use HTTPS in the storefront.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    10. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54149 - Enable this fix if you want to avoid returning a smaller result set when the Solr minimum match option is used with synonyms.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  3. Fixes and enhancement related to Runtime:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55289 - Enable this fix if you want support for configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers and X-Frame-Options header with a servlet filter.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55834 - Enable this fix if you want to enhance token-based CSRF protection on REST APIs when cookies are used for authentication and the corresponding WCToken/WCTrustedToken are not provided.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR52486 - Enhancement: Enable this fix if you want to use your custom search profile wc-rest-resourceconfig.xml as the default search profile.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  4. Fixes and enhancements related to Messaging and Integration:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55718 - Enable this fix if you are integrated with Sterling Visual Modeler and you encounter an input validation error when launching the Test and Compile window from Visual Modeler and clicking the Add button.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  5. Fixes and enhancements related to Marketing and Promotions:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR55599 - Enable this fix if you notice an issue where a dialog activity with a "Customer Registers" trigger does not work when the "Account activation via Email" option is enabled.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR56287), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54177 - Enable this fix if you want to resolve an issue where a business user cannot activate promotions that have public codes if the promotions were edited within the Promotion list view.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    3. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54737 - With JR54737, you can customize some promotion error messages that display to shoppers to provide shoppers with more information about how to resolve errors that they encounter while shopping in your store.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  6. Fixes and enhancements related to Catalog:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR56935 - Enable this fix if you notice performance issues when you change Rule Based Sales Category (RBSC) rules.

3. Completing optional steps after you install cumulative interim fix JR57861.fp

Some fixes and enhancements that are included in this package are not automatically enabled because you might not need them on your environment. The following list describes optional fixes and enhancements that you can manually enable. Review the following section to see if you want to enable any new features or apply any particular fixes.

Note: If you previously installed a cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 9, then you do not have to repeat any steps that you previously completed.


  1. Fixes and enhancements related to Search:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR56299 - Enable this fix if you notice that search cache invalidations are not propagated to production server.
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54149 - Enable this fix if you want to avoid returning a smaller result set when the Solr minimum match option is used with synonyms.
    Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  2. Fixes and enhancements related to Orders, Payments, and Inventory:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53518 - Enable this fix to resolve an issue where a shopper cannot change the quantity of an item in a shopping cart after the item inventory is maxed out.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53681 - Enable this fix if you need support for merging order items with non-ATP inventory. This fix adds support to merge order items with non-ATP inventory onto one line in the shopping cart\.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    3. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54936 - Enable this fix to resolve an issue where shoppers might encounter "Order is invalid" errors when trying to update the shopping cart that has items that are out of stock.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    4. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54351 - Enable this fix if you want to add a configuration flag for the Paymentech plug-in to control whether to use online or offline mode for the reverseApproval method.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    5. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54133 - Enable this fix to resolve index contention issues in the PPCPAYINST table for environments that use an Oracle RAC database.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
    6. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR52515 - Enhancement: Enable this fix if you want your DOM inventory system to skip inventory reservation in a shopping flow.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step.
    7. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53434 - Enhancement: Enable this fix if you want to limit the maximum number of pending orders that a single user can create.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step.
  3. Fixes and enhancements related to Messaging and Integrations:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR56574 - Enable this fix to support the SOAP 1.2 protocol.
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR57063 - Enable this fix to enable Success360 integration for Order per Hour metrics in the Success360 dashboard.
  4. Fixes and enhancements related to Marketing and Promotions:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR54507 - Enable this fix if you want to use promotion codes during a shopping flow in workspace preview.
    Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR55049), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR55049 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step
  5. Fixes and enhancements related to Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing:
    1. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR57116 - Enable this fix if you want to invalidate specific cache objects that are in the WCPriceDistributedMapCache.
    2. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR52552 - Enable this fix if a user with the Workspace Task Group Approver role cannot view catalog information in Management Center.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step.
    3. Optional: Enabling interim fix JR53335 - Enable this fix to improve caching for contract pricing. The wcs.cacheivl.trigger.sql file is updated in JR53335, therefore you need to drop and recreate triggers.
      Note: This fix was included in an earlier cumulative interim fix package (JR53438), therefore this fix might already be enabled. If you previously installed JR53438 and enabled this fix, then you do not have to complete this step.

5. List of fixes

JR57861.fp provides a set of interim fixes for WebSphere Commerce V7 Fix Pack 9. All interim fixes for Fix Pack 9 that are created after the release of JR57861.fp require JR57861.fp as a prerequisite.JR57861.fep provides a set of interim fixes for WebSphere Commerce V7 Feature Pack 8. All interim fixes for Feature Pack 8 that are created after the release of JR57861.fep require JR57861.fep as a prerequisite.
Note: JR57861 is the fourth cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 9. Every subsequent cumulative interim fix release contains all fixes from the previous cumulative releases.

For a complete list of fixes that are included in this package, see Cumulative interim fixes for Fix Pack 9Cumulative interim fixes for Feature Pack 8.