Uninstalling WebSphere Commerce interim fixes

Uninstalling the interim fix restores the WebSphere Commerce product files to the previous level.

If you applied an interim fix to a WebSphere Commerce instance, you must uninstall the interim fix from that instance before you uninstall the fix from the WebSphere Commerce product.

Introduced in Feature Pack 1Review the following information concerning WebSphere Commerce instances with enabled features:
  • If the component services feature is enabled on an instance after applying the interim fix to the WebSphere Commerce installation directory, you cannot uninstall the interim fix from the WebSphere Commerce instance.
  • If the component services feature is disabled from an instance after applying the interim fix to the WebSphere Commerce installation directory, you are not required to uninstall the interim fix from the WebSphere Commerce instance.
  • For all other scenarios, if you applied an interim fix to a WebSphere Commerce instance, you must uninstall the interim fix from that instance before you uninstall the fix from the WebSphere Commerce product.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the proper system administration rights:
  • SolarisLinuxAIXLog in as the root user.
    WebSphere Commerce Version or laterSolarisLinuxAIXFeature Pack 8Note: If you are a non-root user, you can uninstall interim fixes only if a non-root user installed the interim fix.
  • For IBM i OS operating systemLog in as a user that has QSECOFR authority.
  • WindowsLog in with a Windows user ID that is a member of the Administrator group.

About this task

You can uninstall an interim fix interactively by using the UPDI graphical installer, or silently by using a response file.