Feature Pack 8

Cumulative interim fixes for Feature Pack 8

The following cumulative interim fixes are available for WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 8.

Each individual iFix and cumulative iFix package contains a different readme file. Each readme file might include specific installation instructions. For example:
  • Some iFixes might require manual modifications to source code after you install the fix
  • For runtime environments, some iFixes might be applicable to the base WebSphere Commerce product only and not the instance.
You do not need database access to install an iFix because these fixes do not make any database changes during installation. However, some iFixes might require that you manually update the database to enable the fix after installation. Review the readme file to ensure that you install and enable the interim fix successfully.
Every subsequent cumulative package contains all fixes from the previous cumulative package. Therefore, you need to install only the latest cumulative interim fix to obtain all the interim fixes that are listed. The latest cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 8 is JR59483.fep.

Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 6

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR59483.fep This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Feature Pack 8 up to July 6, 2018. This Cumulative Interim Fix 6 contains the interim fixes that were included in Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 5. The following table contains a list of fixes that were created after the release of Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 5.
Note: Any additional Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional feature pack APAR fixes
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing IT21435 Infinite loop while updating sales category.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR58785 Locking causes performance issues with Management Center when updating Rule Based Sales Categories.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR57974 Catalog Upload does not support excluding or including all categories when loading catalog filter data.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR59673 CMC is unable to persist the Display to Customers Flag to the FACETCATGRP table.
Data Load and other loading tools JR57638 SEO data is loaded along with catalog data even if loadSEO config property is set to FALSE.
Marketing and Promotions JR59223 GDPR readiness back end service support.
Marketing and Promotions JR57886 Promotion codes with special characters cannot be removed from shopping cart.
Marketing and Promotions JR58167 Not all promotion codes are uploaded through Data Load.
Member and Session Management JR59547 Session crossover issue in REST framework.
Member and Session Management JR58635 e-Marketing Spot does not display because BaseContext is not found for activity.
Member and Session Management JR58522 Exception handling with updateCookies=true for REST API.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR59672 Unable to change multiple orders with OMS P2P integration.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR59627 Need to make getInternalFetchOrderCmd method protected for customization.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR59530 Order Management issue when order is placed as a guest user.
Programming Framework JR59294 Modify BOD mapping logic to support JDK8.
Programming Framework JR58616 Customization fails due to NullPointerException error.
Runtime JR58114 Setting headerStrategy on wcf:rest tag fails.
Runtime JR59116 NoClassDefFoundError for Search REST requests after shopper login.
Runtime JR56958 Internal server error displayed on parts of a storefront page.
Runtime JR58067 Information disclosure issue in REST framework.
Search JR58971 Performing buildIndex causes high disk usage.
Search JR59084 Incorrect price facets after price index load.
Search JR59111 Search returns incorrect data during index replication process.
Search JR57901 PopulateExpressionsForCatalogFilters only uses one date format.
Search SE67174 Category Facet Names do not display if parent category is unpublished.
Search JR58972 Solr Crawl fails with web servers that have TLSv1.2 enabled.
Search IT20794 Lexical error (syntax error) when parsing valid Solr query.
Search JR59549 filterFacetsForCategory does not work.
Search JR57194 Issue in commons-lang3.jar prevents detecting strings as numbers correctly if less than 1.0.
Search JR59635 WC_USERACTIVITY cookie is returned in cache response, even when store-cookies is set to false in cachespec.xml.
Search JR58383 Multi-word synonyms do not work as expected when using EXACT or ALL searchType.
Search JR58961 Synonyms created with capital letters do not work as expected.
Search JR58156 Multi word synonyms do not work if search term contains capital letters.
Search JR58890 Category facets with large sequence number were not returned in the search REST call.
Search JR58390 Orphan catalog entry is skipped during preprocess.
Search JR57954 DataImportSystemException error is not handled in DataImportPreProcessorMain.
Search JR58764 Keyword auto-suggest results contains punctuation.
Search JR58748 MemberHelper.getMemberRolesInOrg throws ClassCastException when using Oracle.
Search JR58696 Building extension index with language cores adds the word generic to the core name.
Search JR58687 Querying from two sub indexes does not return the expected results.
Search JR58113 Price facet count displays more hits than it should.
Search JR58092 After Solr index update, you get wrong query results from inventory core.
Search JR58879 Managing attribute dictionary faceted navigation attributes in categories does not work in workspaces.
Search JR58193 Hung threads and high CPU usage due to hashmap of CatalogOverrideHelper.
Search JR58357 Need extended data to be returned with facet.query.
Search JR58285 Contract update triggers the invalidation of search data cache.
Search JR58264 Lexical error (syntax error) when parsing valid Solr query.
Stores and Mobile JR58960 Category name truncated when ampersand is present.
Stores and Mobile JR58047 Potential cross-site scripting violation found in Aurora starter store.
Stores and Mobile JR58380 Applying a promotion code in the store results in infinite progress indicator.
Stores and Mobile JR59715 Entity location rewrite vulnerabilities in store front.

Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 5

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR57861.fep This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Feature Pack 8 up to April 3, 2017. This Cumulative Interim Fix 5 contains the interim fixes that were included in Cumulative Interim Fix 3. The following table contains a list of fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 3.
Note: Any additional Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional feature pack APAR fixes
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56749 Listing products with more than 1000 SKUs on one page causes errors on Oracle.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56567 EXPRESSION table is incorrectly updated when deleting an existing catalog filter condition.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56706 setupSearchIndex utility exits with code 1.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56857 RuleBasedCategoryEvalutionCmd performance issue when a change in RBSC rule results in removal of large amount of catalog entries.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56895 Previous default catalog is displayed after changing the default catalog in Management Center.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56927 Incorrect price or Pending price is displayed on the storefront after applying JR55696.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56353 Cannot modify price after re-login to Management Center from an expired session.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR57238 Productview response is missing merchandise association data.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56935 RuleBasedCategoryEvalutionCmd performance issue when a change in RBSC rule results in removal of large number of catalog entries.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR57284 Add an option to disable indexing from workspaces.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR57453 Time saved in the 24h format is parsed in 12h am/pm format.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56268 EXPRESSION table is not updated after loading catalog filter data.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR57593 Rule based category concurrency exception.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR56535 Support invalidation of search cache by using a command line utility.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56587 Dataload utility not truncating promotion name to match the database field size..
Data Load and other loading tools JR57198 Cannot use the Data Load utility to load e-site level default content for e-Marketing Spots.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56767 Duplicate pagelayout definitions after incremental dataload.
Data Load and other loading tools JR56534 Promotion data extract fails when no catentry found, but utility still issues success message.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR57605 migratePDC utility issues.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55273 Add support for Rational Application Developer Version 8.5.5.
Maintenance JR57045 ArithmeticException: divide by zero received when accessing cart with trace *=finer or RestClientReadEfficiencyLogger=finer.
Marketing and Promotions JR56367 Order submit will fail with migrated, unique promotion codes after installation of JR54507.
Marketing and Promotions JR56589 Unmodified promotions listed in Management Center Promotion Tool appear as modified upon opening the tool.
Marketing and Promotions JR56327 Error saving promotion in IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce Promotions tool.
Marketing and Promotions JR56551 Customer segment export command has concurrency issues when multiple instances of the command are running at the same time..
Marketing and Promotions JR56533 Checkout fails when a previously applied promotion is removed from the system..
Member and Session Management JR57595 Backport migrateGuestUser in guestidentity API to Feature Pack 8.
Member and Session Management JR57043 BCS error due to token created for Store 0.
Member and Session Management JR56686 Registered users cannot log on automatically after registering from a unique guest session.
Member and Session Management JR56987 BusinessContextNotFoundException error when server is restarted.
Member and Session Management BusinessContextServiceException error in trace during a REST call to retrieve an eSpot..
Member and Session Management JR56289 Person REST API IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Member and Session Management JR56333 MigrateUserEntriesCmdImpl transaction committal.
Member and Session Management JR56452 Activity Regeneration after CTXMGMT data removal.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR56366 Sterling OMS Heartbeat timeout is too long.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR57413 ResetPasswordHelper does not trigger the MessagingGetWebHostCmd command.
NoCategory JR57451 Intermittent I/O exception when running di-parallel-process utility, due to contention reading AdditionalLeadingFiles file..
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR57196 Installment rule might not apply based on the sequence of items added to cart.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR57591 GetInventoryAvailability REST call from user switches to generic.
Programming Framework JR56693 Management Center fails to load when USER_INSTALL_ROOT contains a symbolic link.
Programming Framework JR57345 REST requests that specify XML response format might return an invalid character error if the response map has a forward slash.
Runtime JR56999 Partial authentication and SSL configuration settings in the customized wc-rest-security.xml file are not respected.
Runtime JR56882 HttpServletRequest is not available to REST framework for custom command implementations.
Runtime JR57383 Custom XPath to Solr search query mapping fails to load on the first request.
Runtime JR56670 Provide extension point for SolrRESTSearchRelevancyByProductGroupingPostprocessor.
Runtime JR56632 ClassNotFoundException error during logon for B2B stores.
Runtime JR56631 Allow the update of cookies via REST calls.
Runtime JR56154 Payment information is logged without masking when foundation trace is enabled.
Runtime JR56915 JR54611 sets Local/Remote binding requests to uncacheable when 404 error is returned.
Runtime JR56557 Provide an option to disable the generation of resourceId in REST response.
Runtime JR56277 New ECApplicationException message is not thrown.
Search JR57177 Invalid contract for generic user with Organization Participant role with Search REST services.
Search JR57049 Exact match is not used for a web activity that targets based on attribute value filter.
Search JR57179 Enable multiple datasource support for indexload.
Search JR56299 Search cache invalidations are not propagated to production server.
Search JR57186 Store path prefix is removed during preview when empty context root is used.
Search JR56310 Parallel processing with multithread is not indexing expected data.
Search JR57260 Cannot perform multi-select on brand facet after applying JR55148.
Search JR57317 Improve performance of di-preprocess utility with deep search sequencing enabled.
Search JR57292 Phrase slop does not work with search terms that are surrounded by quotation marks.
Search JR57304 Provide ability to disable data cache invalidation for delta di-buildindex.
Search JR57309 deleteFromDeltaTable parameter is not used by the UpdateSearchIndex utility.
Search JR57039 REST search handlers allow excessive search terms to be searched.
Search JR57324 Generic user encounters an error under the default contract.
Search JR56211 SearchServiceWarmStarter exits without logging any exception.
Search JR56031 Not all facets are displayed in Management Center if logged on as a site administrator.
Search JR55742 Unsupported enablePublishOverride flag exists in wc-component.xml.
Search JR57606 Alphanumeric sorting of categories are wrong for the Norwegian language.
Search JR57658 Provide a configuration to enable/disable spellcheck suggestions reordering.
Search JR57668 Override items sequence value with its parent products sequence value in the search index..
Search JR57695 BySearchTerm returns landing page URL in lower case, which results in a redirection to 404 page.
Search JR57271 Using the depthAndLimit paramter returns incorrect number of first level categories.
Search JR56517 Encounter ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 error when you run the di-calculateprice utility.
Search JR56321 Preprocess utility fails after executing catalog entry type due to lock on catalog group (or vise versa).
Search JR56748 deleteFromDeltaTable parameter is not used by the UpdateSearchIndex utility.
Search JR56477 Buildindex utility reports failure, even if utility ran successfully.
Search JR56609 Intermittent failures in REST service productview/bySearchTerm.
Search JR56612 High CPU utilization during category navigation.
Search JR56672 Provides conditional support for publishOverride functionality.
Search JR56689 migrateSolrSearch does not create missing extension directory.
Search JR56704 Store preview does not show updated catentry long description.
Search Catentry searcher issues occur after inventory index update.
Search JR56781 Only the first value in a multi-value index field is returned from an extension index after installing JR55049.
Search JR56819 Memory leak might lead to long response times for shoppers.
Search Timeout occurs when you update an attribute in Management Center.
Search JR56885 Storefront receives an error when creating new contract.
Search JR56966 Logical cache is not invalidated when changes are made to the FACETCATGRP table.
Stores and Mobile JR56849 Product Display page renders slowly if the product contains over 100 SKUs.
Stores and Mobile JR56500 Store does not immediately display changes that were made to a registered shoppers last name.
Stores and Mobile JR56575 Breadcrumb link leads to error page when returning to Brand search results.
Stores and Mobile JR56580 Multiple image maps do not work on the Content Carousel widget.
Stores and Mobile JR56585 Optimize performance for facets when using back button to display Category Navigation page.
Stores and Mobile JR56486 Security vulnerability related to cookies in the Aurora starter store.
Stores and Mobile JR56588 CSRF error on mobile store pages after installing JR55776.
Stores and Mobile JR57035 Wishlist email is not decoded correctly.
Stores and Mobile JR56929 Store locator image paths are not returned in BOD.
Stores and Mobile JR56919 Site content search results in the store contain links that are improperly generated leading to 404 errors.
Stores and Mobile JR57431 Missing categoryId from WCParamValues.
Stores and Mobile JR56676 Unrecoverable error page is displayed to shopper if its contract is deleted while shopping.
Stores and Mobile JR56454 CleanPageLayouts scheduler job does not clean objects that are marked for delete.
Stores and Mobile JR56410 Product display pages that contain only 1 SKU do not show the defining attribute name and value correctly.
Stores and Mobile JR56692 Sort-by dropdown menu does not display price range correctly.
Stores and Mobile JR57061 Seourlkeywordgen utility does not commit records with logging is enabled.
Stores and Mobile JR56735 In PDP, attribute cannot be removed if the value has more than two single or double quotes.
Stores and Mobile JR56746 Store pages might freeze when browsing on iPhone devices that have iOS 10 installed.
Stores and Mobile JR56548 Product display page displays error message instead of redirecting to a generic error page.
Stores and Mobile JR57287 When invalid parameters are passed in query string, the expected result is 500 error message on browser.
Stores and Mobile JR57152 Consecutive hyphens in generated SEO URL Keywords.
Stores and Mobile JR56449 Vulnerability in product listing pages.
Stores and Mobile JR57159 If products only have one SKU with no defining attributes, productId is set to SKUs catentry_id.
Stores and Mobile JR56804 SKU list widget shows incorrect inventory in Aurora B2B stores.
Stores and Mobile JR56295 Product display page displays a blank page instead of error page if the product does not exist in the current catalog.
Stores and Mobile JR56414 Incorrect pageGroup value is retrieved from the LayoutPageNames.properties file.
Stores and Mobile JR57001 Facet selection does not work with browser Back button if Show all is selected.

Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 3

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR56287.fep This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Feature Pack 8 up to June 31, 2016. This Cumulative Interim Fix 3 contains the interim fixes that were included in Cumulative Interim Fix 2. The following table contains a list of fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 2.
Note: Any additional Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional feature pack APAR fixes
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 2 and are included in this Cumulative Interim Fix 3 (JR59483.fep).
Analytics JR55915 IBM Digital Analytics does not receive registration tag extraparms values with the returnAsJSON option enabled
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55696 GetEntitledPriceCmdImpl performance issues
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55876 Scheduler jobs fail during the execution of the PopulateExpressionForCatalogFilters command
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55782 ATTRDICTGRPATTRREL table is populated, attributes disappear from Management Center
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55273 Add support for Rational Application Developer Version 8.5.5
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55673 Print wsadmin calls to log files
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR55296 Enhancement: Add a utility to migrate to Rational Application Developer Version 8.5.5
Maintenance JR56106 To recompile LOBTools for Feature Pack 8 interim fixes.
Marketing and Promotions JR55787 The Promotion Checker target does not work when a price is not defined in the store's Master price list
Marketing and Promotions JR55963 e-Marketing Spot REST API runs all web activities that are assigned to the e-Marketing Spot
Marketing and Promotions JR55599 A dialog activity with a "Customer Registers" trigger does not work when the "Account activation via Email" option is enabled
Marketing and Promotions JR56012 CleanupRankingPolicyCmdImpl throws SqlSyntaxErrorException on DB2
Member and Session Management JR55476 500 error loop if CTXMGMT is cleared
Member and Session Management JR55440 Incorrect log on error message when waiting for email verification
Member and Session Management JR55700 loginidentity?updateCookies=true does not create WC cookies
Member and Session Management JR55534 forUser does not work for DataBean-based REST API
Member and Session Management JR55746 401 error when shopper is logged on with rememberMe=true and updateCookies=true
Member and Session Management JR55106 'foruserId' value in the cookie is not respected by REST requests
Member and Session Management JR55589 Store requests incorrectly running under a workspace schema
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55718 Input validation error on 'Add' from Test and Compile in Visual Modeler
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55642 GetItemPriceUE implementation does not filter duplicate SKUs
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR55719 Sterling Organization Code does not use store identifier by default
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR56191 Requisition list upload does not complete
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55978 Updates to UnlockStaleOrdersInBatch scheduler job
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55474 Parameters for OrderItemAddCmd are not supported in cart REST services
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR55828 Shopping carts not merged during shopper log on when cart threshold is exceeded
Programming Framework JR55246 AbstractBaseResourceHandler maps BCS activity expired/terminated exceptions to status code 500 with a generic error response
Programming Framework JR55847 An error occurs during an attempt to save a layout that contains empty widget property values in Commerce Composer
Runtime JR55289 Add support for configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers and X-Frame-Options header with a servlet filter
Runtime JR55281 Wishlist emails have blank subject line in Feature Pack 8
Runtime JR55834 Add extra CSRF protection to REST APIs when cookies are used for authentication
Runtime JR55187 401 errors when the user activity cookie times out
Runtime JR55466 Cannot use a custom view to form the email body for email notifications
Runtime JR56196 Buyable and ProductType not returned as part of a product's merchandising association section in REST call
Search JR55821 QueryMissingGroupOwner's query includes facet data
Search JR55607 Enable Range Facet for SRCHATTRPROP
Search JR55620 Custom facets are not displayed for unstructured content
Search JR55662 Adds lifecycle logging for searcher and docId mapper
Search JR56119 The categoryview resource byParentCategory REST method is returning itself along with its child categories
Search JR56174 Cannot display more than 25 facets for a given category in Management Center
Search JR55789 Price range is sensitive to facet selections on product listing pages
Search JR55934 Unable to make changes to custom facet properties through Management Center
Search JR55972 Merchandising association can potentially list products not linked to currently browsed sales catalog
Search JR55670 SKUs are not displayed in the sequence that is specified in Management Center.
Search JR55803 Cannot delete product through Management Center after indexing is complete
Search JR55661 SolrMultiMapDeltaSupportCache is not populated correctly when SearchServiceWarmStarter fails due to missing configuration
Search JR55423 Custom facets are not displayed for unstructured content
Search JR55348 Provide a role based access control for IndexLoad utility
Search JR55245 Crawler utility does not include exit codes
Search JR55542 User-defined product sequence is not respected when you enable Search Result Grouping and hero product
Search JR55221 Solr should not validate all contracts for a user when a contract_id is specified
Search JR55543 di-calculateprice utility deletes contract entries in the TI_CNTRPRICE_0 table
Search JR55300 Stale cached data is used to determine contract eligibility
Search JR55543 di-calculateprice utility deletes contract entries in the TI_CNTRPRICE_0 table
Search JR55543 di-calculateprice utility deletes contract entries in the TI_CNTRPRICE_0 table
Search JR55376 setupSearchIndex utility exits with exit code 1, even if the issues are warnings only
Search JR55175 exists(query()) solr function throws NullPointerException
Search JR55580 Duplicate entries appear in auto suggestion results when category is linked multiple times to a sales catalog
Stores and Mobile JR56076 Associated assets widget shows the URL instead of the display name
Stores and Mobile JR55168 Associated Assets widget does not display .flv video formats
Stores and Mobile JR55344 Quick Info pop up dialog does not show product full image after deselecting attributes
Stores and Mobile JR55325 Back button does not work as expected
Stores and Mobile JR55869 Mini shopping cart is not updated when item is added
Stores and Mobile JR55325 Back button does not work as expected
Stores and Mobile JR55878 Broken images occur in several places in the Aurora starter store when using recommended external CMS integration approach
Stores and Mobile JR55318 Multiple cache entries for each new search request
Stores and Mobile JR55929 Associated assets widget display name is not shown as expected on storefront
Stores and Mobile JR55317 Breadcrumb trail is not displayed properly when there are more than 3 category levels
Stores and Mobile JR55307 Invalid catalog ID error occurs when the seourlkeywordgen utility is run
Stores and Mobile JR55826 Show All check box state is not saved after a shopper presses the browser Back button
Stores and Mobile JR56132 Exclude 'search' token from being used in sitemap URLs
Stores and Mobile JR55229 Outdated AuroraEsite static HTML files in the Starter Store Companion Assets
Stores and Mobile JR55888 Sitemap XML that is generated by the SitemapGenerate job contains incorrect code
Stores and Mobile JR55928 Search auto suggest displays duplicate results when a keyword contains trailing spaces
Stores and Mobile JR55600 Storefront facet-related issues
Stores and Mobile JR55401 An extra check box is displayed for faceted navigation
Stores and Mobile JR55603 Attempt to remove one attribute might remove all selected attributes when the attribute contains single or double quotes
Stores and Mobile JR55605 ANALYZE statement should be made optional when running SEO URL keyword generation utility with an Oracle database
Stores and Mobile JR55547 Back button does not work properly when product has only 1 SKU
Stores and Mobile JR55669 Show All check box state is not saved after a shopper presses the browser Back button
Stores and Mobile JR55540 The Compare page "back to Search:" link does not save product selection
Stores and Mobile JR55533 Commerce Composer Links widget does not use language-specific SEO URL for click action
Stores and Mobile JR55699 Errors are logged when a shopper sends emails to multiple recipients when sharing a wish list
Stores and Mobile JR55526 Cannot scroll up or down on an Aurora Mobile store if the shopper is using Chrome version 48 or newer
Stores and Mobile JR55479 Facet filtering is applied to products even after facets are cleared
Stores and Mobile JR55394 Facet selection changes when browser's Back button is used
Stores and Mobile JR55479 Facet filtering is applied to products even after facets are cleared
Stores and Mobile JR55470 After installing JR54241, attribute drop down menus on the Product display page are empty when returning from the SKU page
Stores and Mobile JR55750 Wish list REST requests result in poor performance
Stores and Mobile JR55776 Protect Aurora storefront REST services from Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability (CSRF)
Stores and Mobile JR55777 'Quick Links' is always active in Mobile responsive design
Stores and Mobile JR55468 Facet selection does not work with browser Back button
Stores and Mobile JR55588 SEO URLs are not constructed when SEO Patterns are created with usage device="mobile"
Stores and Mobile JR55724 Currency Symbol changes to undefined in Price facet
Stores and Mobile JR55606 Facet values list does not reset when selection is cleared

Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 2

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR55049.fep This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Feature Pack 8 up to December 31, 2015. This Cumulative Interim Fix 2 contains the interim fixes that were included in Cumulative Interim Fix 1. The following table contains a list of fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 1.
Note: Any additional Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are created after the release of this cumulative interim fix require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional feature pack APAR fixes
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that were created after the release of Cumulative Interim Fix 1 and are included in this Cumulative Interim Fix 2 (JR59483.fep).
Category Defect Abstract
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54264

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Assets Tool in Management Center.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR53619 Language Id is ignored for attachment when you use REST API to retrieve catalog entry information
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54042 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after you install JR53360
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54124 Cannot save changes to customized installment rules objects
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54442 The ProductView REST service has incorrect mapping for Catalog Entry Attribute Extended Value
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54479 SerializeInstallmentRule.jspf does not display after you install the fix for JR54124
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54519 Items with deleted parent products are not removed by delta indexing
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54578 Products that are assigned to multiple categories do not display in all assigned categories
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54681 When you upload attribute data by using Management Center, the UoM is not updated in ATTRVALDESC.QTYUNIT_ID
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR54953 Some objects contain "Select the ones that you want to save:" error message in the Catalogs tool.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55073 Management Center "Display to Customers" property is cleared after a session timeout.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR55143 Cannot generate SKUs for any products after you try to generate SKUs for a new product that was not saved.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR53521 Enhance install action framework to support fully automated interim fix installations
Maintenance JR51931 files.list metadata for Search-Rest project is missing for WebSphere Commerce Developer
Maintenance JR536391 Errors that are related to transport ID appear in the systemOut.log file after you uninstall interim fix JR53438
Maintenance JR53709 Rest LoginIdentity does not update BaseContext if the previous thread does not flush cache
Maintenance JR54864 Cannot sort category facets alphabetically and cannot display more than 100 facet values
Marketing and Promotions JR54066 "Search Criteria and Result" target in web activity fails with ':' character in manufacturer name.
Marketing and Promotions JR54438 Catalog Browsing Behavior target's Frequency selection does not show the correct value
Marketing and Promotions JR53532 Unique promotion codes can be redeemed multiple times by using different orders.
Marketing and Promotions JR53564 Cannot remove public promotion codes that are shared by multiple promotions
Marketing and Promotions JR53901 Public promotion code usage is incorrectly tracked in the PX_CDUSAGE table.
Marketing and Promotions JR54177 Promotions that are modified in the Promotion Tool main list cannot be activated if they have public codes.
Marketing and Promotions JR54507 Enable promotion codes in workspace store preview
Marketing and Promotions JR54737 Enable customization of promotion code error messages on store front.
Marketing and Promotions JR54805 Exception occurs when unique promotion codes are generated by using the Promotions Tool in Management Center on iSeries databases
Member and Session Management JR54053 Enhancement to allow REST services to respect context data in WC_GENERIC_ACTIVITYDATA cookie
Member and Session Management JR54680 Cannot retrieve self-addresses with REST calls
Member and Session Management JR55106 'foruserId' value in the cookie is not respected by REST requests
Messaging and Integration JR54634 Cannot retrieve order details by using the 'OrderNo' parameter
Messaging and Integration JR55162 'Change configuration' link incorrectly displays in storefront for predefined dynamic kits.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR549361 Shopper encounters "Order is invalid" error when trying to update the shopping cart.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory IT10443 Cannot resolve XPath expression from the Visual Modeler request
Orders, Payments, and Inventory SI57621 Punch-out payment redirect does not work.
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR549871 Merging order item conflicts with "free gift".
Programming framework JR54339 REST framework has issues processing some XML requests with user data fields
Runtime JR521641 Persistent session does not work if the token is expired by the ExpiryManagement configuration in the wc-server.xml file.
Runtime JR53775 Command execution events are not raised when a command is executed through REST command mapping.
Runtime JR53970

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2015-5015: Potential Information Disclosure vulnerability could expose user personal data
Runtime JR54135

Security fix:

Information disclosure vulnerability in Management Center reveals file system directory structure
Runtime JR54360 Support persistent cookie generation in REST framework
Runtime JR54474 After search server separation, cannot complete shopping flow by directly going to a Product display page after cookies are cleared
Runtime JR54567 Enabling JDBC Performance monitoring Request Metrics breaks Aurora
Runtime JR546111 REST tag not propagating error responses as exceptions to JSP pages.
Runtime JR54875 Access control error when you attempt to use Sales Center to process an order
Runtime JR55151 'NullPointerException' error occurs when service logger is enabled and you send a REST service from a browser.
Runtime JR55140 REST requests that specify XML response format might return an 'invalid character' error.
Search JR53735 Multiple index sharding fixes and enhancements
Search JR55162 Enable category-based search relevancy feature for different sales catalogs.
Search JR55173 Search rules and inventory rules that contain forward slashes (/) do not work.
Search JR538161 Store Preview Search Enhancements
Search JR541801 Enhancement to the category-based search relevancy feature
Search JR55137 Forward slash character (/) in a keyword search results in blank page when category-based search relevancy feature is enabled
Search JR53680 Search rule experiment name and path are missing from service response.
Search JR53713 Global sequencing does not work as expected when a product exists in multiple catalog groups.
Search JR53722 parentCatgroup_id_search order not hierarchical in REST response.
Search JR53728 Multiple selection of price facet not working with contract price index
Search JR53916 Cross-core query causes fq and bq values to be ignored.
Search JR541491 Avoid returning a smaller result set when the Solr minimum match option is used with synonyms.
Search JR53760 Wrong full image is displayed when a thumbnail image is selected
Search JR53761 di-calculateprice utility failed with "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: entitled cannot be empty." error
Search JR537721 Display full navigation path for similar category facet values
Search JR53768 Facet values are interpreted incorrectly and cause an exception if the text contains 'price'
Search JR53796 Invalid cookies error when Multiple Logon is enabled
Search JR53912 Some keyword suggestions can lead to empty search results if the keyword belongs to a different store, catalog, or Catalog Filter
Search JR53842 Attributes of a non-buyable SKU are not selectable
Search JR53857 Site crawler does not work with HTTPS
Search JR53897 The inventory filter is ignored in the marketing web activities
Search JR53899 Price range facet cannot handle locale formatted numbers
Search JR54092 Breadcrumb trail might be incorrect if the category has multiple parents
Search JR53944 di-preprocess utility does not filter offer price by OFFER.PUBLISHED column
Search JR53952 NullPointerException error occurs when shoppers attempt to view bundles that contain marked for delete components
Search JR53967 Boosting extension index fields does not affect search results.
Search JR54065 Cannot override sort properties in the wc-search.xml file if JR50972 and JR52512 are installed
Search JR54001 Shopper is redirected to an empty page when a shopper clicks a "Did you mean?" spell correction suggestion
Search JR540251 Added support for boosting fields from an extension index by using sum and product Solr functions
Search JR54055 REST Call fails when attribute value contains a trailing percentage character (%).
Search JR54143 Ignoring fq when condition is expecting empty results
Search JR54089 di-preprocess.sh WAS_EXT_CLSLDR_PATH incorrect reset
Search JR54095 Irrelevant category facets display in the storefront (fix for JR52707)
Search JR54197 Semi-colons in TPL file from JR53816 cause Oracle database exception
Search JR54227 The "Show empty facet values" option does not work when using REST services
Search JR54247 Multi-keyword search might return irrelevant search suggestions
Search JR54293 Products are not displayed in proper sequence after you install JR53438
Search JR54318 Unable to run di-preprocess utility on OS/400
Search JR543981 Enhancement to boost products to match a shopper's search terms before products that match search terms' corresponding STAs
Search JR54524 Cannot sort category facets alphabetically or by particular sequence
Search JR545821 Adding custom cache to improve extension core performance
Search JR545081 Solr join query does not work if Inventory is enabled
Search JR54379 Expired offer prices are displayed on storefront
Search JR54441 Store cannot display more than 100 facet values for a single facet
Search JR54470 Feature Pack 8 frange for inventory does not work for catentry index
Search JR54471 NullPointerException during delta indexing
Search JR54520 Addresses preprocess issues when using the multithread and localename parameters
Search JR546081 Store returns error with contract price indexload
Search JR55008 Slow keyword search response time when you set checkJoinQueryCount=true
Search JR54563

Security fix:

Information disclosure vulnerability related to Search Replication
Search JR546001 Allow tuning parameters to be passed in through URL parameters
Search JR54588 Facet values are displayed by using the default sequencing or missing image data after JR53547 is installed.
Search JR54847 Facet values that are represented by floating point numbers cannot be sorted by attribute sequence
Search JR54769 Cannot display linked category facets alphabetically or according to category sequence defined in Management Center
Search JR54703 Cannot store an external URL without specifying a protocol (HTTP/HTTPS)
Search JR54774 Missing debugQuery information for boosting
Search JR548061 Reduce Caching requirements for grouping queries against Solr with extension indexes enabled
Search JR54886 di-calculateprice utility fails with NullPointerExceptiion
Search JR54918 Search server hangs when you try to shut down the server
Search JR550001 Stale index data directory found under each core
Search JR55039 Cannot display linked category facets alphabetically or according to category sequence defined in Management Center
Search JR545961 Slow search queries when product grouping is enabled and group.facet parameter is set to true.
Search JR55148 'Tag' and 'ex' tags do not work if tagging fields in the extension indexes.
Search JR55175 exists(query()) Solr function throws NullPointerException.
Search JR552081 Connection leak when an empty range is detected during indexing
Search JR55227 Extension core cannot handle 'sortMissingLast' field attribute.
Stores and Mobile JR55030 Incorrect breadcrumb trail is displayed when you use keyword search and filter through a category facet.
Stores and Mobile JR53764 SKU information is not loaded automatically when a product does not have defining attributes.
Stores and Mobile JR55065 SKUList widget displays inventory counts in the wrong order.
Stores and Mobile JR52351 SearchURL pattern throws an error with some special characters such as the registered trademark symbol.
Stores and Mobile JR54267

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2015-5007: Potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WebSphere Commerce REST Services
Stores and Mobile JR55098 Unit of measure is not displayed consistently in facets.
Stores and Mobile JR55104 After installing JR54241, product information does not display when a shopper clears defining attributes.
Stores and Mobile JR53547 Add enhancement to include Units of Measure for Attribute values in multiple store pages
Stores and Mobile JR53695 CleanSEOURL job fails with more than 1000 catentries have MARKFORDELETE set to 1
Stores and Mobile JR53698 Modify locking mechanism for StoreConfigurationRegistry
Stores and Mobile JR53904 Parent category of sales category does not display in Commerce Composer tool
Stores and Mobile JR53752 After a SKU is resolved on the Product Display page, several widgets display product information rather than SKU information
Stores and Mobile JR53777 'Compare Products' page returns "Your compare zone is empty" message when the category name contains a special character
Stores and Mobile JR53795 Cannot remove items from Compare Products page after the Aurora store language is changed
Stores and Mobile JR53799 Commerce Composer might have issues if the URL parameter names contain special characters
Stores and Mobile JR53861 Product price in the CatalogEntryList widget does not show proper SKU price after attribute selection
Stores and Mobile JR53864 Shoppers can select defining attributes for products that do not exist or are not available
Stores and Mobile JR53881 Performance issue with the IBM Product Recommendations widget
Stores and Mobile JR53960 Unexpected SEO URL is used for products that have a single SKU
Stores and Mobile JR53976 SEO URLs do not change when the store language is changed
Stores and Mobile JR53982 CatalogEntryList Widget loses widget content position when a shopper switches the store language
Stores and Mobile JR53985 Product display thumbnail image alternate text uses identifier instead of attachment name
Stores and Mobile JR54022 Unexpected behavior after SKUs are resolved on the Product Display page
Stores and Mobile JR54110 Generic Error occurs when a shopper attempts to change the store language on a page with a non-SEO URL
Stores and Mobile JR54118 Typing the product URL of a single product SKU redirects to the product page instead of the SKU page.
Stores and Mobile JR54148 Unexpected SEO URL is used for products that have a single SKU (continuation of JR53960)
Stores and Mobile JR54432

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2015-5008, CVE-2015-5009: Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Aurora starter store
Stores and Mobile JR54193 Discount widget does not show a promotion if the promotion is set at the SKU level
Stores and Mobile JR54241 After a shopper removes a selected defining attribute, the Product details page continues to display SKU information
Stores and Mobile JR54295

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2015-7397: Open redirect issue in Aurora starter store
Stores and Mobile JR54389 Registered shoppers cannot update personal information if the 'Preferred language' property is disabled
Stores and Mobile JR54408 Multiple facet selection does not display correctly on the Search results page
Stores and Mobile JR54435 Add to cart button does not work for products that have single quotation marks (') in the defining attribute name
Stores and Mobile JR54450 Static content page URLs from the auto suggest menu or from the Advanced search page leads to an error page
Stores and Mobile JR54484 JavaScript error when JR53842 is applied, which altered the behavior of the Add To Cart button when the SKU is not buyable
Stores and Mobile JR54506 Web page header is displayed twice on the Change Password page
Stores and Mobile JR54625 Attribute values with double quotation marks (") stalls Search Results
Stores and Mobile JR54633 Switching store languages during user registration leads to Cross-Site Request Forgery error
Stores and Mobile JR54834

Security fix:

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Aurora B2B store in WebSphere Commerce
Stores and Mobile JR54726 After you remove a selected defining attribute, the Product details page continues to display SKU information
Stores and Mobile JR54785 Breadcrumb trail is incorrect with linked sales categories
Stores and Mobile JR54824

Security fix:

Security APAR CVE-2015-5009: Persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Aurora starter store
Stores and Mobile JR54812 Site content results are inconsistent on the 'Search results' page
Stores and Mobile JR54959 Error message and the store's total product count is displayed when the search term or manufacturer is empty in the store's URL.
Stores and Mobile JR54989 Full Image Widget does not display product level thumbnail angle images

Feature Pack 8 Cumulative Interim Fix 1

Category APAR Description
Cumulative JR53438.fep This cumulative interim fix includes all the fixes that were released for Feature Pack 8 up to June 30, 2015. See the following table for the full list of fixes that are included in JR53438.
Note: Any additional Feature Pack 8 interim fixes that are released after June 30, 2015 require this fix as a prerequisite. For a list of additional interim fixes, see List of additional feature pack APAR fixes
The following table displays the list of interim fixes that are included in this cumulative interim fix JR53438.fep.
Category APAR Problem Description
Authoring and Staging JR530641 Catalog Filter tables are not propagated during stagingprop.
Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR53335 Improved caching for contract pricing.
JR53360 numberFormatException occurs in price REST requests.
JR52092 CatalogGroupMediator incorrectly allows deletions for categories that have child categories.
JR52316 Descriptive attributes are not displayed in the product descriptive attribute page.
JR52366 The 'Category facet' disappears after business users clear the ‘Display to customers’ check-box and restart the server.
JR52540 Deleting dynamic kits in Management Center also deletes the component SKUs.
JR53113 CatalogFilterMediator does not populate the related table, EXPRESSION.
JR53265 Specific individual contract updates incorrectly overwrite all contracts that have the same catalog filter.
Data Load and other loading tools JR51857 SEOURLLoader does not use database caching and does not commit as required.
JR52932 An option is supplied to not delete the remote files after the files are copied from the IBM Omni-Channel Merchandising file transfer site when WebSphere Commerce is integrated with IBM Omni-Channel Merchandising, formerly known as IBM DemandTec.
JR52757 Supports integration with IBM Omni-Channel Merchandising to configure an automated price data load into WebSphere Commerce.
JR53633 Commerce Composer data load fails to load a template or default layout if the priority column is specified.
JR53641 Commerce Composer data load fails to load the SEOPAGEDESC table if all columns are not specified.
JR52989 SeourlkeywordGen utility fails with and invalid catalog ID error.
JR53289 Catalog Upload for CATENTREL table might cause errors during preprocess utility.
JR53346 Cannot update unit of measure for assigned attribute value through data load.

Security fix:

Indexload does not accept a password when application security is enabled.
JR52361 The searchable flag is not respected for Attribute Dictionary attributes when Data Load utility is used.
Installation, Configuration, Deployment, and Migration JR526401 Remote Rest Calls from Search server to WebSphere Commerce to fetch a price fails if the default ports 80 and 443 are not used.
JR52084 BUILD FAILED error when you try to re-create the cell level documents after federating search.
JR53521 Enhance installation action framework to support fully automated interim fix installations.

Security fix:

Command-line scripts might lead to disclosure of user personal data when debugging is enabled.
JR53239 Indexload utility encounters NoClassDefFoundError: DataLoadException error
JR52604 Enablement of Feature Pack 7 or older on DB2/iSeries might fail if Fix Pack 9 is installed and Feature Pack 8 is not installed
Maintenance JR51931 files.list metadata for Search-Rest project is missing on WebSphere Commerce Developer.
JR536391 Errors that are related to transport ID appears in the systemOut.log file after you uninstall interim fix JR53438.
Marketing and Promotions JR52305 After you enable Feature Pack 7, promotion codes cannot be removed from an order.
JR521971 By-pass the generic look-up for records in PX_CDUSAGE table before inserting a new entry using order ID and promotion code
JR525111 Generic promotion code look-up flag for PX_CDUSAGE should not be provided by default.
JR53013 Deleted promotion code is reactivated in database when another promotion that uses the same promotion code is activated.
JR53225 Provide an API that can create new unique promotion codes for an existing activated promotion.
JR51650 Support invalidating e-Marketing Spot REST cache entries.
JR51772 Unexpected promotions are applied when you reuse public promotion codes.
JR52555 Unique promotion codes can be added to orders by multiple guest shoppers.
JR53373 Promotion code generation fails when the quantity for the number of codes to be generated is zero.
JR53407 Possible data corruption when two users export promotion codes at the same time.
JR53463 Provides a new mechanism to export marketing data from one WebSphere Commerce environment to another WebSphere Commerce environment.
JR53476 Promotions with public codes cannot be activated in a workspaces environment.
JR53511 Remove database queries on the table ORDITPROMOCD when it is not used in a customization.
JR53519 Attribute Dictionary Attributes in the Search Criteria and Result target do not work for all languages.
Member and Session Management JR52577 Invalid JSON response is thrown when REST returns Invalid Token.
JR532131 Enhances error messages and tracing for session cookies and tokens.
JR53442 Session expiry warning appears after session is already expired.
Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR52120 Cannot go to cart after you add a dynamic kit to the cart.
JR52159 Provides a utility to migrate preconfigured dynamic kits from Feature Pack 7.
JR52714 External Order details page shows error when integrated with Sterling Order Management 9.4.
JR52715 Encounter access control exceptions when integrated with Sterling Order Management 9.4
Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR51867 Scheduled recurring orders are not created when buyers belong to 2 organizations.
JR52572 'inventoryReservation' attribute is not supported by REST service cart.preCheckout method.
JR51920 Enhances requisition list feature.
JR53508 Cannot use FIELD1 and FIELD2, in the Management Center Installments module.
JR51940 Cannot define kit SKUs in CSV files for data upload to a requisition list.
JR525151 AjaxRESTOrderSubmit cannot skip inventory reservation check.
JR52185 CleanSEOURL job fails if there are more than 1000 SEO URLs that need to be deleted.
JR53190 Shipping charges are not calculated at 'Shipping and Billing' page in Feature Pack 8 Aurora starter store.
JR53385 Promotion redemption limit error in a Sterling Order Management integration environment
JR53439 Check out error during payment if a shopper initially submits invalid payment details.
Programming Framework JR52220 Updates storefront error message that is displayed when you attempt to create an organization with an existing organization name.
JR52499 Security Vulnerability with REST services
JR53395 SEOURLMapperImpl API is not documented in the IBM Knowledge Center.
JR535131 RSAR errors detected in SEOURLLoaderMain.java file.
JR53515 REST API discovery is enabled by default in runtime environments.
Runtime JR52486 Default search profile customizations on WebSphere Commerce server-based productview REST services does not work in -ext directories.
JR53043 The session timeout triggers logoff action, but the user is not allowed to execute the logoff command.
JR536361 NullPointerException error occurs when infrastructure trace is enabled: com.ibm.commerce.infrastructure.*=all
JR53255 IllegalStateException occurs when a shopper uses the forgot password option.
JR52033 Provide option to disable caches for REST requests.
JR52397 Adds a configurable option to use the native Solr synonym expansion algorithm using the synonyms.txt file.
JR52613 REST responses with error status codes are being cached.
Search JR52803 When catalog filter is enabled, search by category name returns no results.
JR521131 Feature enablement fails on IBM PureApplication Systems.
JR53392 Indexload encounters an "unknown field 'price'" error.
JR536381 Provides installation action scripts to copy search and store related files for cumulative interim fix JR53438.
JR536301 Fixes stores errors that occurred during the testing of JR53438.
JR53565 Error occurs when you search for a term with a special character such as a "$".
JR53600 MultiplexSqlEntityProcessor default value stops working.
JR52915 Provide monitoring capability for IndexLoad with Admin Logger.
JR52222 Creates a sample cachespec.xml for Search server.
JR52223 The Reset action removed the embedded server for Search Server.
JR52034 Buildindex utility fails on Oracle 12c.

Security fix:

Search utilities scripts require the password to be passed on command line.
JR52651 OutOfMemoryError occurs from SolrSearchConfigurationRegistry.
JR52806 di-preprocess utility does not create a table if the table exists in another schema.

Security fix:

Search utility crawler requires the password to be passed on command line.
JR52668 Enhancement: Deployment Manager can deploy managed-solr configuration files by using the WebSphere Application Server Administration tools.
JR52934 After you enable expanded category navigation for a store, the sequence of products in the product list page on the storefront does not match the sequence that is defined in Management Center.
JR52512 Search results include too many irrelevant products when you use the ANY search type.
JR52799 supercedes JR52222 Creates a sample cachespec.xml for Search server.
JR53072 After you enable expanded category navigation for a store, the sequence of products in the product list page on the storefront does not match the sequence that is defined in Management Center.
JR52982 Search index pre-process is slow with delta updates.

Security fix:

Enhancement: Provides the ability to specify a custom password file to store encrypted password for the IndexProp utility.
JR517531 New feature to provide support to load data directly into Search server via IndexLoad.
JR51882 Enable facet management when shoppers search within a category.
JR52751 Existing CatalogHierarchyDataPreProcessor has performance issues when preprocessing a large catalog.
JR52857 MultiplexSqlEntityProcessor command appends null to dynamic inventory fields
JR52972 Provide support of custom IndexLoad loader class.
JR52980 Add the ability to filter multivalued non-displayable facets.
JR53016 Category unpublished in EN language does not show in facet in FR language store.
JR53029 Includes a new buildindex utility flag -numOfLangsParallel to control how many languages to build at once.
JR53170 Search server does not recognize multiple organizations.
JR53197 Search sequencing functionality does not work as expected.
JR53226 Product sequence is not respected after you enable expanded category navigation.
JR53241 Enable auto-warming for extension indexes.
JR53244 Improve the performance of the SELECT_ATTR_ID_FOR_CATEGORY query.
JR53316 Add functionality to pass in multiple filter expressions into search REST calls.
JR53325 No match filter query returns all rows.
JR53379 REST response for Search landing page is incorrect.
JR53384 Stores that use synonym processing by using BOD services do not return search results for synonyms.
JR53388 Incorrect error message in di-preprocess utility
JR53393 Improve indexing throughput of IndexLoad utility.
JR53397 Supports indexing in raw mode.
JR53401 Improve SolrReplication transfer rate.
JR53378 Solr issues if you update to Feature Pack 7 or later.
JR533831 Updates JUnit test to cover SEO full string replacement function.
JR533961 Reversed multiple-word search gives different result set than expected.
JR53398 Di-buildindex utility does not list all parameters in the usage option.
JR534001 Search statistics does not work when result grouping is enabled.
JR534461 Search term associations do not work if the minimum match function is set to a value other than 1.
JR53447 invalidSearchCache script does not show adequate error information.
JR53448 New feature for setupSearchIndex utility.
JR51741 Generates one descriptive attribute with multiple values in the REST response, instead of one attribute per value.
JR51789 Unable to view Attributes in Attribute Dictionary.
JR51884 Indexprop runs into endless loop when repeater/slave has newer index version than the master server's index/replicable version.
JR51900 Association type of Merchandising Associations is not returned correctly when you add the same product twice with different types in Management Center.
JR51942 di-parallel-process (shard indexing) fails if preprocess utility never executed.
JR51946 Statistics are not collected for an experiment in a search rule.
JR52207 Sales category updates do not trigger entries into the TI_DELTA_CATGROUP table, after you install JR50553.
JR52263 di-buildindex utility prints 'exiting 0' but when you run echo $?, the exit code is none-zero.
JR52367 Search term replacements do not work with multiple word phrases.
JR52381 Inventory fields are not returned with grouping after you install JR51663.
JR52460 Top navigation drop-down menu does not show any categories after a subcategory is marked to be unpublished.
JR52462 Custom fields from the ATTRVALDESC table are displayed in the FacetView element of the search REST response.
JR52487 MultiplexSqlEntityProcessor appends null to dynamic inventory fields.
JR52612 An exception occurs when processing facets with many values.
JR52741 Attribute data load inserts too many rows in TI_DELTA_CATENTRY.
JR52853 Enable Administrative Logger on Feature Pack 7 or later.
JR52856 UnsupportedOperationException occurs when sorting Inventory index.
JR52903 Preprocess with fullbuild=false, returns the wrong exit code when an 'F' flag exists in TI_DELTA_CATGROUP table.
JR52918 Provide cross index search and filtering capability.
JR53315 di-calculateprice or ContractPriceCalculate cause SQL errors when trying to truncate the content of a table.
JR53403 Includes performance improvements for search index.
JR53474 Thumbnail information of a product is not returned.
JR53475 Provide new index validation tools.
JR53481 Added logic to print actual method variables in REST search traces, instead of the reference object.
JR53487 MultipleSqlEntityProcesor cannot handle special characters.
JR53509 The price that is returned from JSON response of the REST service on the Search server is only one decimal place.
JR53510 CWXFS2003E exception occurs due to SolrSearchExpressionProvider.
JR53514 Add new restartTime parameter to di-buildindex utility.
JR535171 Provide support for atomic delta update through IndexLoad.
JR53520 Provides an installation action script to copy Search-related files to the WebSphere Commerce Bin directory.
JR53592 Search Index pre-process is slow with delta updates.
Stores and Mobile JR51890 Product Recommendation widget does not work on store pages that are cached.
JR51892 Requisition list page and Saved Order details page fail to refresh after an item is removed when pagination is enabled.
JR53634 Currency symbol displays as escaped HTML code in the price range facet when shopper applies price range filter in Aurora store.
JR53473 ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore is published with the wrong inventory type under certain conditions.
JR53635 Promotions description does not appear on the Product details page.

Security fix:

Aurora starter store shows a server file name in the HTML comments.
JR51843 Shopper's order history, wish list and other pages display empty product information if product is not in current sales catalog.
JR53516 Cannot add the maximum number of store locations to the stores list in the mobile store.
JR51876 Non-English characters are displayed in the browser title when browsing the Aurora store content pages in English.
JR51957 SEO URL Keyword generation does not support full string replacement.
JR51844 Commerce Composer layout save error when widgets are set to inactive state.
JR52643 Cannot update a layout with the Commerce Composer tool in a DB2 environment.

Security fix:

Potential cross-site scripting security vulnerability in Dojo.
JR52816 Includes fixes and enhancements to the Facebook widget.
JR526741 GenericError incorrectly redirects to master catalog instead of the sales catalog.
JR53216 Unexpected or unknown error message is shown to the shopper when the session expires.
JR53376 PageLayout JET plug-in might use the wrong widget folder name.
JR53381 The Promotional Code help tooltip in the checkout pages might not show all details if text is too long.
JR53382 Shoppers cannot view the details of the promotion after the promotion is applied.
JR53440 Duplicate call to MiniShopCartDisplay during Add to Requisition List.
JR53443 Encounter infinite loop in Management Center when you clear "Mulitple Shipments" option in Store Management.
JR51803 Marketing content custom click actions ignore additional parameters when URL is converted to SEO.
JR52342 Some languages such as French, Italian, Russian, and Romanian have strange variables in the password notification email for Aurora stores.
JR52386 Automotive and Hardware catalog should not be an option when you publish the ExtendedSitesV2.sar file.
JR53174 Cannot validate location-based services XSD files due to invalid attributes in the appinfo element.
JR53177 SEO URL redirect causes an infinite loop and a timeout error occurs.
1 denotes APAR fixes or enhancements that were created by IBM to supplement other APARs. No further information will be provided.