List of shipped campaign element templates and task commands
Campaign elements have different requirements which depend on their function. Reviewing details about the triggers, targets, and actions that are shipped with the Management Center can help you understand the requirements for a new campaign element. You can also view the API documentation for any of the task commands.
The following tables list the triggers, targets, and actions
that are shipped with Management Center, along with:
- The name of the associated campaign element template
- Where applicable:
- The name of its task command
- The command name to match in the behavior rule
- The task command that is used by the related rule
To reduce the width of the tables, some names in the columns include line breaks. In the code, these names must display without line breaks.
Triggers shipped with Management Center
Trigger name in Management Center | Campaign element template name | Campaign element task command | Command name to match in the behavior rule | Task command that is used by the related rule |
E-Marketing Spot trigger | viewEMarketingSpot | ViewEMarketingSpotTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Wait trigger | wait | WaitTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Customer Places Order trigger | purchases | none | OrderProcessCmd (command exit) | none |
Customer Registers trigger | registers | none | UserRegistrationAddCmd (command exit) | none |
Customer Participates in Social Commerce trigger | customerParticipatesInSocialCommerce | CustomerParticipatesInSocialCommerceTriggerTaskCmd | SocialCommerceInteraction | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorTargetTaskCmd |
Customer Is In Segment Trigger | customerIsInSegment | CustomerIsInSegmentTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Customer Celebrates Birthday | birthdayTrigger | BirthdayTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Customer Abandons Shopping Cart | customerAbandonsShoppingCart | CustomerAbandonsShoppingCartTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Wait for Event | eventAndParametersTrigger | EventAndParametersTriggerTaskCmd | As defined in the trigger properties view | none |
Recurring Order Event | RecurringOrderTrigger | RecurringOrderTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Subscription Event | SubscriptionTrigger | SubscriptionTriggerTaskCmd | none | none |
Customer Searches | CustomerSearchesTrigger | CustomerSearchesTriggerTaskCmd | AjaxCatalogSearchView, CatalogSearchResultView, SearchDisplay | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorTargetTaskCmd |
Targets shipped with Management Center
Target name in Management Center | Campaign element template name | Campaign element task command | Command name to match in the behavior rule |
Catalog Browsing Behavior | recordedCustomerBehaviorCategoryBrowsed | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorOnlineCategoryBrowsedTargetTaskCmd | CategoryDisplay |
recordedCustomerBehaviorProductBrowsed | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorOnlineProductBrowsedTargetTaskCmd | ProductDisplay | |
recordedCustomerBehaviorProductInCategoryBrowsed | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorOnlineProductInCategoryBrowsedTargetTaskCmd | ProductDisplay | |
Online Behavior | recordedCustomerBehaviorURLContents | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorOnlineURLContentsTargetTaskCmd | * (matches all commands) |
recordedCustomerBehaviorSearched | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorOnlineSearchedTargetTaskCmd | CatalogSearchResultView, AjaxCatalogSearchView | |
Current Page | currentCustomerBehaviorCategoryBrowsing | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentCategoryBrowsingTargetTaskCmd | CategoryDisplay |
currentCustomerBehaviorProductBrowsing | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentProductBrowsingTargetTaskCmd | ProductDisplay | |
currentCustomerBehaviorProductInCategoryBrowsing | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentProductInCategoryBrowsingTargetTaskCmd | ProductDisplay | |
currentCustomerBehaviorURLContents | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentURLContentsTargetTaskCmd | * (matches all commands) | |
currentCustomerBehaviorSearching | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentSearchingTargetTaskCmd | CatalogSearchResultView, AjaxCatalogSearchView) | |
currentCustomerBehaviorProductAttributeBrowsing | CustomerFilterUserBehavior CurrentProductAttributeBrowsingTargetTaskCmd | None | |
External Site Referral | currentCustomerBehaviorURLContentsFromDomain | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentURLContentsFromDomainTargetTaskCmd | * (matches all commands) |
Cookie Contents | currentCustomerBehaviorCookieContents | CustomerFilterUserBehaviorCurrentCookieContentsTargetTaskCmd | * (matches all commands) |
Social Commerce Participation | socialCommerceParticipation | SocialCommerceParticipationTargetTaskCmd | SocialCommerceInteraction |
Shopping Cart (See * at the end of the topic.) |
shoppingCartTotals | CustomerFilterOrderTargetTaskCmd | none |
shoppingCartProductContents | CustomerFilterOrderProductTargetTaskCmd | none | |
shoppingCartCategoryContents | CustomerFilterOrderCategoryTargetTaskCmd | none | |
Purchase History (See * at the end of the topic.) |
purchaseHistoryTotals | CustomerFilterOrderTargetTaskCmd | none |
purchaseHistoryProductContents | CustomerFilterOrderProductTargetTaskCmd | none | |
purchaseHistoryCategoryContents | CustomerFilterOrderCategoryTargetTaskCmd | none | |
Customer Segment | customerSegmentIdList | CustomerSegmentTargetTaskCmd | none |
Day and Time | time | TimeTargetTaskCmd | none |
Search Criteria and Result |
searchCriteria | SearchCriteriaTargetTaskCmd | AjaxCatalogSearchView, CatalogSearchResultView, SearchDisplay |
searchResult | SearchResultTargetTaskCmd | AjaxCatalogSearchView, CatalogSearchResultView, SearchDisplay |
Actions for marketing activities shipped with Management Center
Action name in Management Center | Campaign element template name | Campaign element task command | Command name to match in the behavior rule |
Recommend Content | displayContent | DisplayMarketingContentActionTaskCmd | none |
Recommend Category | displayCategory | DisplayCategoryActionTaskCmd | none |
Recommend Catalog Entry | displayProduct | DisplayProductActionTaskCmd | none |
Display Merchandising Association (See ** at the end of the topic.) |
displayAssociation | DisplayMerchandisingAssociationActionTaskCmd | none |
Recommend Promotion | displayPromotion | DisplayPromotionActionTaskCmd | none |
Display Recently Viewed | recentlyViewedCategories | DisplayBrowsedCategoriesActionTaskCmd | CategoryDisplay |
recentlyViewedProducts | DisplayBrowsedProductsActionTaskCmd | ProductDisplay | |
Send Message | sendIndividualEmail | EmailIndividualActionTaskCmd | none |
sendSMS | SendSMSActionTaskCmd | none | |
Issue Coupon | issueCoupon | IssueCouponActionTaskCmd | none |
Add To or Remove From Customer Segment | addToRemoveFromCustomerSegment | AddToRemoveFromSegmentActionTaskCmd | none |
none(template and task command that is supplied for customization purposes only) | displayData | DisplayDataActionTaskCmd | none |
none(used for marketing email activities) | sendBulkEmail | EmailBulkActionTaskCmd | none |
Display Recommendation from External System | displayExternalRecommendation | DisplayExternalRecommendationActionTaskCmd | none |
Display Best Sellers | ranking_MostSold | DisplayProductRankingActionTaskCmd | none |
Display Top Browsed | ranking_MostBrowsed | DisplayProductRankingActionTaskCmd | ProductDisplay |
Display Intelligent Offer Recommendation | displayCoremetricsRecommendation | DisplayCoremetricsRecommendationActionTaskCmd | none |
- * Some customizations might be similar to the Shopping Cart and Purchase History targets in that they evaluate against a list of products that are associated with a customer. For instance, the contents of a customer's wish list or gift registry. For this purpose, you can extend the existing Shopping Cart or Purchase History task commands, and override the getOrderData method and the getMemberIdsForOrderQuery method (from the base class CustomerFilterOrderTargetBase).
- ** Some customizations might be similar to the Display Merchandising Association action in that they display the catalog merchandising associations for a list of products that are associated with a customer. For instance, the contents of a customer's wish list or gift registry. For this purpose, you can extend the existing Display Merchandising Association task command and override the getSourceCatalogEntries method to add more catalog entries to the existing list. For example, catalog entries in a prebuilt kit that is in the source catalog entry list), or to get the source list of catalog entries (for example, from the customer's gift registry. These catalog entries are used to find the relevant merchandising associations.
Actions for search rules shipped with Management Center
Action name in Management Center | Search element template name | Search element task command | Command name to match in the behavior rule |
Add or Replace Search Criteria | replaceOrAddSearchCriteriaAction | ReplaceOrAddSearchCriteriaActionTaskCmd | none |
Specify Top Search Results | specifyTopSearchResultAction | SpecifyTopSearchResultActionTaskCmd | none |
Order Search Results | orderSearchResultAction | OrderSearchResultActionTaskCmd | none |