Feature Pack 6 or later

Adding e-Marketing Spot title support to existing e-Marketing Spot JSPs

Before you can display marketing content as title or default title content in an e-Marketing Spot, you must add support for displaying title content in the e-Marketing Spot JSP file.


  1. In your file management program, navigate to the directory that contains the JSP file for your e-Marketing Spot.
    • Aurora
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_eardir\Stores.war\store_dir\Widgets\ESpot\

        For example, if you want to add support to the ContentRecommendation_UI.jspf file, you can locate this file in the following directory: WC_eardir\Stores.war\store_dir\Widgets\ESpot\ContentRecommendation\

      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWorkspace_dir\Stores\WebContent\store_dir\

        For example, if you want to add support to the ContentRecommendation_UI.jspf file, you can locate this file in the following directory: Workspace_dir\Stores\WebContent\store_dir\ContentRecommendation\

    • Madisons
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_eardir\Stores.war\store_dir\Snippets\Marketing\ESpot\

        For example, if you want to add support to the ContentAreaESpot.jsp file, you can locate this file in the following directory: WC_eardir\Stores.war\store_dir\Widgets\ESpot\

      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWorkspace_dir\Stores\WebContent\store_dir\Snippets\Marketing\ESpot\

        For example, if you want to add support to the ContentAreaESpot.jsp file, you can locate this file in the following directory: Workspace_dir\Stores\WebContent\store_dir\Snippets\Marketing\ESpot\

    where store_dir is the directory name for your store.
  2. Locate the JSP file for the e-Marketing Spot that you want to update to support title content. Open the file for editing.
  3. Navigate to the samples directory that contains the sample WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file. This file contains sample code that supports the display of marketing content as title or default title content. Open this file to view its contents.
    This file can be found in the following directory:
    • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir\components\foundation\samples\Snippets\web\Marketing\Campaigns\
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir\components\foundation\samples\Snippets\web\Marketing\Campaigns\
  4. In the WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file, locate the code that begins with the following lines of code:
    <%-- BEGIN e-Marketing Spot Title --%>
    And ends with the following lines of code:
    <%-- END e-Marketing Spot Title --%>
  5. Copy the code between the preceding lines of code and paste this code in the corresponding location in your e-Marketing Spot JSP file. Paste this code in a location within your file that ensures that your title content displays before the remaining content in your e-Marketing Spot. This code adds the support for title and default title content. Modify the code to match the requirements for your e-Marketing Spot.
    For example,
    • Aurora - to add support to the ContentRecommendation_UI.jspf file, you can add the code at the beginning of the file, before the following code:
      <div id="${espotName}_${uniqueID}" class="widget_height">
    • Madisons - to add support to the ContentAreaESpot.jsp file, you can add the code before the following code:
      * Start: Categories
      * The following block is used to display the categories associated with this e-Marketing Spot.
      * The category display page that shows the selected category will be referenced
      * through the submission of the HTML form in the calling .jsp file.
  6. Save and close your file.