Troubleshooting: Help topics are not found
To display help, you might need to set the server configuration file to point to the appropriate help server (either local or remote). If your help server is not on the same server that is running Management Center, a page not found error is displayed when opening help.
If the help server is not installed on the system that is running Management Center, a page not found error message is displayed when help is opened. You can either point to a server which has local help installed, or point to the IBM Knowledge Center.
Update the server configuration of the instance that is running
Management Center to point to the appropriate help server:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file for editing:
- Update the HelpServerHostName to point to the correct help server. The
section of configuration that you are looking to correct looks like the following code block:
- To use locally installed help
<Websphere DatasourceName="WebSphere Commerce DB2 DataSource demo" HelpServerHostName="" HelpServerPort="8001"
- To use the external Knowledge
<Websphere DatasourceName="WebSphere Commerce DB2 DataSource demo" HelpServerHostName="" HelpServerContextPath="/infocenter/wchelp/v7r0m0" HelpServerPort="80"
- To use locally installed help
- Save and close the file.
- Propagate the changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file by running the
config_ant script with the UpdateEAR target.
WC_installdir/bin/ -DinstanceName=instance_name UpdateEAR
WC_installdir\bin\config_ant.bat -DinstanceName=instance_name UpdateEAR
- Stop and start WebSphere Commerce.