Prerequisites and requirements

The following packages must be pre-installed on your Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems before you install BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile:

BigFix MDM server
  • The target computers must have the following elements installed:
    • The computer must be running on RHEL 7, RHEL 8, or RHEL 9
    • Docker (CE v19.x or RHEL version 1.13 or later) and Docker Compose 1.25.x
      Note: RHEL8 distribution no longer provides Docker CE. To install a compatible Docker CE version on RHEL8 or RHEL9, refer to Installing Docker CE and Docker compose on RHEL8 or RHEL9.
    • BigFix client version 10.0.10 or later (recommended version 10.0.10)
    • OpenSSL
      Important: Up to MCM 2.1, port 5671 uses TLS 1.0 for internal communication. If the vulnerability scan detects exposure, you can ignore it. For more information, see Ignore MDM server vulnerability due to TLS 1.0.
  • Uninstall Podman.
    Important: To ensure proper execution of MCM startup scripts, Podman must be uninstalled, if it is installed in BigFix MDM server. This is because the presence of Podman can create conflicts with Docker, which is used as the container runtime for MCM service.
    • DNF command to remove Podman
      sudo dnf remove podman
    • Yum command to remove Podman
      sudo yum remove podman
      sudo hash -r
  • The BigFix MDM server is typically deployed in the DMZ. Hence, appropriate security measures must be applied to the OS, firewall configuration, and system accounts.

BigFix PlugIn Portal
The target computers must have the following elements installed:
  • BigFix Client version 10.0.10 or later (recommended version 10.0.10)
  • BigFix PlugIn Portal version 10.0.10 or later (recommended version 10.0.10)