Troubleshooting Steps for Release

Steps to troubleshoot issues with release in a software system, including not being able to reach the component, tickets not being visible, tickets getting stuck in the grid, and unauthorized errors.

“Not able to reach the component”

Table 1. Table 65 – Release: Scenario 1
Issue Description Error message “Not able to reach the component” appears in Manage Jobs job Log screen of respective Job
Modules Impacted Release

Steps to resolve

  1. Go to Manage Jobs and check if the Release Job is enabled and successful. If not, enable it.
Figure 1. Figure 105 - Release Troubleshooting
  1. For e.g. –
  • Organization name - BigFix
  • Job Name - ReleaseTicketsBigFix
  • Component Name - Release Service
  1. Ensure that Release service is up on component server
  2. Ensure that Listener service is up on component server

If Listener is not picking up Release service, then troubleshoot the service. Refer to Troubleshooting Steps for Listener.

Tickets are Not Visible in Actionable Tickets

Table 66 - Release: Scenario 2

Issue Description Tickets are not visible in Actionable tickets due to unspecified module.
Modules Impacted Release
Probable root cause

Incident management module is not added in user management


Figure 106 - Tickets are not visible in Actionable tickets

Steps to resolve

Go to user management – edit it.

Add incident module to it.

Tickets stuck in grid

Table 2. Table 67 - Release: Scenario 2
Issue Description Tickets stuck in grid - Marked for Release for Actionable Tickets
Modules Impacted Release

Steps to resolve

  1. Ensure that below configuration is completed for Release component.
Figure 2. Figure 107 – Release
  1. Ensure that Manage Release Rules are configured. If not, follow the below steps:
  1. Go to Organization > Manage Release Rules.
  1. Select Organization for which user wants to configure the release rules.
  2. Select the Data Source where the organization brings the data from the data source in BigFix Runbook AI.
  3. Select the Service with which BigFix Runbook AI is integrated and pulls data for automation.
  4. Click Add New. User will be prompted to enter the Rule Name in dialog box, and then click Save.
  5. The new rule is added and it appears in the list of rules. Once the rule is added, then user needs to set up the configuration parameters for the rule.

All the existing rules are listed in the tabular view with the associated parameters and enable user to manage the parameters for the existing rule.

Unauthorized Error

Table 3. Table 68 - Release: Scenario 2
Issue Description Unauthorized Error
Modules Impacted Release

Steps to resolve

Ensure that the Authentication Type, URL, User ID and Password are correct under Create Data Source Release Rules Configuration.

Figure 3. Figure 108 - Unauthorized Error