Troubleshooting Steps for iParse

These troubleshooting steps for iParse include resolving issues with the iParse service not starting, the service returning an internal server error, receiving a "404 Resource Not Found" error, and encountering a "Could not get any response" error. Additionally, there are steps provided for resolving failed job execution due to a parameter mismatch between the product and RBA tool.

iParse is the component responsible to parse or extract various parameters from any ticket runbook pair, that is picked up by BigFix Runbook AI for automation. It is a component developed using python and is hosted on Apache Web Server as a service under the name HCL.iAutomate.iParse.

HCL.iAutomate.iParse service is not starting

Table 1. Table 87 - iParse: Scenario 1
Issue Description HCL.iAutomate.iParse service is not starting
Modules Impacted iParse
Probable Root Cause Invalid “iParse.conf” file content

Steps to resolve

  1. Check for existence of the file iParse.conf at location <Apache_Root_Folder_Path>/conf.
  1. For e.g. - “C:/Apache24/conf” has <Apache_Root_Folder_Path> as “C:/Apache24”
  2. Verify the contents of file iParse.conf by checking the snippet with paths to << iParse_Directory>>. Verify and change the <VirtualHost *> tag with correct path entries to << iParse_Directory>> as shown below, where << iParse_Directory>> is “C:/iAutomate/Comp/HCL.iAutomate.iParse” in the snippet from iParse.conf.

<VirtualHost *>

WSGIScriptAlias /iAutomate C:/iAutomate/Comp/HCL.iAutomate.iParse /IParse/iparse/app.wsgi

SSLVerifyClient require

SSLVerifyDepth 10

<Directory C:/iAutomate/Comp/HCL.iAutomate.iParse/IParse/iparse>

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

Require all granted



  1. Ensure that service was created through Service Account and not through Local account. Refer to below figure to check the status.
Figure 1. Figure 135 - HCL.iAutomate.iParse service is not starting
  1. If not, open Windows Command Prompt in Administrator mode and run the below command:

sc config HCL.iAutomate.iParse obj= “ID” password= “PSWD”

where ID is the [Domain\SA ID] and PSWD is the [Password of SA] and SA is

[Service Account].

Log On As’ field corresponding to the service HCL.iAutomate.iParse should be changed to ‘Service Account’. Click Start to start the service.

Service returns Internal Server Error - status code 500

Table 2. Table 88 - iParse: Scenario 2
Issue Description Service is reachable but returns Internal Server Error with status code 500.
Modules Impacted iParse
Probable Root Cause Python package not available

Steps to resolve

  1. Check the Apache error log at <Apache_Root_Folder_Path>/logs/error.log
  1. If the error is because of the missing package, perform the following steps:
  1. Open Windows Command Prompt in Administrative mode in Apache_Root_Folder_Path:
  1. If open internet access is available, run the below command:

pip install package_name

  1. If open internet access is not available, download wheel file for package from where user has internet connectivity and move onto server at same location where it needs to be installed. E.g. has a repository of most used wheel files, else other sources are available as well. Subsequently, run the below commend:

pip install package_name.whl

‘404 Resource Not Found’

Table 3. Table 89 - iParse: Scenario 3
Issue Description Error message ‘404 Resource Not Found’ when iParse is hit
Modules Impacted iParse
Probable Root Cause
  • Paths are not correct in iParse.conf
  • Port is not correct

Steps to resolve

  1. If the issue is due to the incorrect paths, refer to resolution steps mentioned for issue in Table 87 - iParse: Scenario 1 .
  1. Also, check if correct port is being used. To identify the correct port, perform the following steps:
  • Open iParse.conf
  • Search for Listen xxxx

e.g. – Here the image below shows the port set for iParse component is 9000


Listen 9000

# ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>

# directive

The set port is one where iParse is deployed.

‘Could not get any response’

Table 4. Table 90- iParse: Scenario 4
Issue Description Error message ‘Could not get any response’ appears when iParse is being hit.
Modules Impacted iParse
Probable Root Cause HCL.iAutomate.iParse service is not running

Steps to resolve

  1. Press Win+R, type services.msc and press Enter to open Windows Services.
Figure 2. Figure 136 - HCL.iAutomate.iParse
  1. Find service HCL.iAutomate.iParse and select it.
  2. Click Start to start the service, if it’s not running already.
Figure 3. Figure 137 - HCL.iAutomate.iParse (cont.)

Failed to Execute Job

Table 91- iParse: Scenario 5

Issue Description Failed job execution due to parameter mismatch between Product and RBA tool
Modules Impacted ExecuteRunbook Job
Probable root cause

Parameter mismatch between Product and RBA Tool


Figure 138 – Error for parameter mismatch

Steps to resolve
  1. Check with the parameter names with the RBA Team.
  2. Parameter names should be same as in RBA runbook.