To regenerate the (.)view.dat file

About this task

To regenerate the .view.dat file (on the UNIX system or Linux) or the view.dat file (on Windows systems), perform the following steps:


  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Complete either of the following actions:
    • On Linux or the UNIX system, type the following command:
      Perl ccase-home-dir/etc/utils/ \
      [ –tag snapshot-view-tag ] snapshot-view-path
      For example:
      Perl /opt/devops/clearcase/etc/utils/ \
      –tag pat_v1.4_cropcircle_sv \
    • On a Windows system, type the following command:
      ccperl ccase-home-dir\etc\utils\ ^ 
      More? [ –tag snapshot-view-tag ] snapshot-view-path
      For example:
      ccperl c:\devops\clearcase\etc\utils\ ^ 
      More? –tag  pat_v1.4_cropcircle_sv ^ 
      More? c:\pat_v1.4_cropcircle_sv 


If the view storage directory is under the root directory of the view, you do not need to use the –tag snapshot-view-tag argument.