Before moving snapshot views

Moving a snapshot view with DevOps Code ClearCase® systems.

In DevOps Code ClearCase systems

This section discusses the following tasks:

  • Changing the physical location of a snapshot view directory tree
  • Moving a view storage directory

For information on changing a view tag, see the mktag reference page.

Changing the physical location of a snapshot view

On UNIX systems and Linux®, if the view storage directory is in a server storage location, you can use the standard mv command to move the snapshot view directory tree of loaded elements and view-private files. You can move the view to a different workstation, but the workstation must run Linux or the UNIX operating system.

On Windows® systems, if the view storage directory is in a server storage location, you can use standard Windows commands (such as Cut and Paste or drag operations) in DevOps ClearCase Explorer or Windows Explorer to move the snapshot view directory tree of loaded elements and view-private files. You can move the view to a different computer, but the computer must run a Windows operating system.

Attention: If the view storage directory is located below the root directory of the view or in another local directory, do not use the standard mv command (on UNIX systems and Linux) or the standard Windows commands (on Windows systems) to move the snapshot view. Instead, see Register after moving the view.

On Windows systems only, if you created a shortcut to the view in DevOps ClearCase Explorer, you must modify the shortcut to indicate the new path of the view root directory.

If you move a view to a different computer, you must register its new location (see Register after moving the view).

Moving a view storage directory

Each snapshot view includes a view storage directory, which is used to maintain the view. Do not use the standard mv command (on UNIX systems and Linux) or the standard Windows commands (such as Cut and Paste or drag operations) (on Windows systems) to move a view storage directory for the following reasons:

  • The view storage directory includes a database. Moving the database without first stopping the view_server process for the view can corrupt the database.
  • The location of view storage directories is stored in DevOps Code ClearCase registries. The information in these registries must be correct for you to perform DevOps Code ClearCase operations in your views.

You should ask your DevOps Code ClearCase administrator to move snapshot views that locate view storage directories in the view because it may affect other DevOps Code ClearCase users at your site. The DevOps Code ClearCase Administrator's Guide describes the procedure for moving view storage directories.

Caution: You will lose data if you move a view storage directory without following the procedure described in the DevOps Code ClearCase Administrator's Guide.

Register after moving the view

On a DevOps Code ClearCase system, you must register the view after moving a snapshot view. If you are working on a Windows system, you must also refresh any view shortcut in DevOps ClearCase Explorer that uses the old path to the view. Until you register its new location and, on Windows systems, refresh any view shortcut, DevOps Code ClearCase user interfaces continue to present the old location.

For information about changing a view tag (which is the logical name for a view), see the mktag reference page in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.