To copy a nonloaded element into a snapshot view

About this task

To access a file element that is not loaded into a snapshot view, use the cleartool get command, which copies a version of the element into your view. After the file is in your view, you can read its contents or use it for build purposes, but you cannot check out the file. Only elements that are loaded into the view can be checked out.

The cleartool get command does not apply to directory elements.


  1. If you are using the UNIX system or Linux, skip to step 3. If you are using a Windows system, in DevOps ClearCase® Explorer, note the version-extended-path of the nonloaded element, which is displayed in the Version column of the details pane.
  2. In the ClearCase Explorer Folder Pane, right-click the parent directory and, from the shortcut menu, click Command Prompt to display a cleartool prompt.
  3. At a prompt, type the cleartool get command using the following syntax:
    cleartool get -to filename path
    Windows tip: Because you are already displaying a cleartool prompt, you do not need to type cleartool before the get command.
    To copy a version other than the one selected by the view, use a version-extended path. For example:
    cleartool get -to prog.c.previous.version prog.c@@/main/v3.1_fix/10 

    This command copies prog.c@@/main/v3.1_fix/10 into your view under the name of prog.c.previous.version.
