About credentials for logging in to a Rational ClearQuest user database

The first time that you perform a DevOps Code ClearCase® operation that involves the UCM integration with Rational® ClearQuest®, you either see an error message or are prompted to enter your Rational ClearQuest user ID and password, and a database name.

The UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest supports multiple database sets (connections). Each connection for each user database on a system requires credentials: the user name and password for access to the Rational ClearQuest user database. If you as a user of the integration perform an action that requires the login to a different user database, the integration accesses stored credentials and attempts to perform the login. You or your project manager can register the credentials.

The usage of credentials differs between the command line interface (CLI) and the graphic user interface (GUI). If you use a CLI and the credentials are not registered, you see an error message that requests that the credentials be created. If you use a GUI, a login window is displayed for the credentials to be supplied. After a successful login, the GUI stores the credentials for that user database. After credentials are stored, you do not have to enter credentials to subsequently use the integration on that system for that database set.

In environments where multiple database sets are used with the integration, you may need to be logged in to a different user database while you are performing work in a user database. Credentials are required for a change in login in the following usages:

  • You work on an activity in a project that is enabled for the integration.
  • You display properties of a Rational ClearQuest activity record that has contributions from a project that is connected to another Rational ClearQuest user database.
  • You access multiple UCM projects that are connected to different Rational ClearQuest database sets and do one of the following operations:
    • Start a delivery in one project while working in another project.
    • Deliver changes in a stream in one project to a stream in another project.
  • You transition a Rational ClearQuest activity record.
  • You display or set project policies related to the integration.

Create and maintain the credentials on your system for each database set. The credential information is stored on the system so that you can be logged in by the integration server when a different user database is accessed. If no credentials exist for you when a connection to another user database is required, an error message is generated.

Use the crmregister command for the following purposes:

  • Create a new entry or overwrite an existing entry. For example:
    crmregister add -database MY_DB -connection 07.00 
    -user jsmith -password mypassword
  • Delete an entry or all entries. For example:
    crmregister remove -database MY_DB
    crmregister remove -all
  • Modify the specified fields for a specified user database. For example:
    crmregister replace -database MY_DB -password mynewpassword