About MyToDoList

MyToDoList is a Rational® ClearQuest® query included in the default Rational ClearQuest user database schema that is enabled for UCM. The MyToDoList query finds records that match the following criteria:

  • Have a record type that is enabled for UCM
  • Are assigned to you
  • Are in a state whose state type is Ready or Active

The query finds all activities that are assigned to you and are in a Ready or Active state type, even if they have not been associated with a stream or if they have been associated with someone else's stream.

The result set for MyToDoList shows the view in which an activity is currently set and lists the UCM stream if the activity is related to an activity object.

You or your project manager can modify this query. Queries that you modify and save are placed in the Private Queries folder, which is just above the Public Queries folder in the left pane of the Rational ClearQuest display.