Creating or selecting UCM activities

UCM verifies that the activity name is in accordance with rules that are documented in the IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Command Reference (A-L). If you are using UCM, you must create or select an activity before you can check in or check out files.

Before you begin

Previous step: Selecting a view
If you are not using UCM, skip to Uploading files to a copy area on z/OS.

About this task

You can use TSO Client to create and select DevOps Code ClearCase UCM activities. You can select any activities that are created and assigned by Rational ClearQuest®. However, you cannot use TSO Client to create UCM-enabled Rational ClearQuest activities. If support for ClearQuest UCM activities is enabled in your environment definition file, you can select defined activities, but you cannot create UCM activities. For information about enabling support for ClearQuest activities, see Profile parameters.

UCM activity names must follow these naming conventions:
  • Must contain only letters, digits, and the special characters underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen (-). A hyphen cannot be used as the first character of a name.
  • Cannot be an integer; this restriction includes octal and hexadecimal integer values. However, noninteger names are allowed.
  • Must not be one of the special names “., “.., “....

The following UCM Activity names will trigger an error: 123, ., .., ..., -abc, a@bc, !abc, abc$.

The following are examples of legal UCM Activity names: abc, a-bc, abc-, _abc, a_bc, abc_, .123, .abc, a.123, 123.a, 12.3, ABC, ....,

When the UCM project is not integrated with ClearQuest, you can create a UCM activity in TSO Client. When the UCM project is integrated with ClearQuest, you can only select a UCM activity from ClearQuest. The activities list selected from ClearQuest shows the current user's activities in active and ready status. The list is the same as the MyTodoList in ClearQuest. The activity can be used in TSO Client, therefore, only after it has been assigned to the current user. When the user works with multiple views, the activities list may contain all the to-do activities in different views. It is the user's responsibility to select the right activity for the current view.


  • To create a UCM activity, do these steps:
    1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 3.
    2. On the Activity panel, type 2 to display the Create Activity panel.
    3. Type the new activity name in the Activity Name field, and type the UCM headline for the activity in the Activity Headline field. .
      Note: SBC case characters are not supported in comments.
    4. Press Enter to save your changes and exit.
    You are returned to the TSO Client Main Menu. The UCM Activity field should now reflect the UCM activity you created.
  • To select a UCM activity that has already been defined, do these steps:
    1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 1.
    2. In the Process Option field of the Activity panel, type 1 and press Enter.
    3. Type s next to the name of the activity you want to work on.
      Use PF7 or PF8 to scroll up or down the activity list, which contains activities that are available on the distributed system.
      After you select an activity, it remains selected for the duration of your TSO Client session and is persistent between TSO Client sessions until another activity is either created or selected.
    4. Press Enter to save your changes and exit.
    You can optionally specify a character string that will be used as a filter for the activity names presented in the current panel. Only activities that contain the filter string will be presented after you press Enter. The filter string may consist of any non-blank character, and it may also contain the standard ISPF masking character, an asterisk (*), to indicate a match of zero or more characters. Consider these examples:
    • *FOO will match xxFOO and FOO, but not FOOxx
    • FOO* will match FOOxx and FOO, but not xxFOO
    • *FOO* will match any name that contains FOO
    • FOO will match only the name FOO
    You are returned to the TSO Client Main Menu. The UCM Activity field should now reflect the UCM activity you have selected.

What to do next