Submitting a link job

Use the Submit Link Job parameterized build request to submit a link job to the mainframe.

Before you begin

The LNKDECK type attribute must be configured for your view elements before you can use the Submit Link Job action. See Configuring the view elements for more information.

About this task

The Submit Link Job menu item provides a way to submit a link job that can be used to link multiple source modules into one linking load module.


To submit a Submit Link Job request, do these steps:
  1. Open a VOB whose elements have been enabled for parameterized build.
  2. Right-click a COBOL program and then click Submit Link Job.
    A command window opens with debug messages showing the status of the build request.
  3. When the job has completed successfully, press any key to exit the command window.


This process saves the result of the load module into a load library defined by the variable $loadlib within the attribute ZCCENV. The output log yourfile.cbl_linkjob.log, where yourfile.cbl is the name of your source file, is located in the VOB directory.