Using remote build for impact analysis queries

Remote build users can query the impact analysis data.

Before you begin

Before you can query the impact analysis data, it must have been gathered by the impact analysis administrator. See Gathering initial impact analysis data for instructions.


To submit an impact analysis query request using remote build:
  1. Create a BCL file to call the impact analysis program.
    For an example of BCL for impact analysis, see BCL for impact analysis queries.
  2. Create a query input file to pass the query request to the impact analysis program.
    For instructions for creating an impact analysis query input file, see Constructing a query input file.
  3. Submit a query request using the rccbuild command.
    For the rccbuild syntax for impact analysis requests, see Submitting an impact analysis query using remote build.
  4. Retrieve and interpret the query results.
    For examples of impact analysis query results, see Remote build impact analysis query results.