Disabling anonymous access
About this task
Modify security role mapping for the FileNet®
Collaboration Services application as follows:
- Continuing in the WebSphere® Administration console, navigate to .
- Click Security role to user/group mapping.
- Select the Authenticated option and then select Map Special Subjects and All Authenticated in Application's Realm.
- Click OK to save your changes.
- Click .
- Select the Anonymous role.
- Click Remove and then click OK to save.
- Click Save.
- Resynchronize nodes with the master configuration, refer to Synchronizing nodes.
- Open the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) and expand the Object Stores node on the side navigation tree.
- Right-click ICObjectStore, the object you want to configure, and then click Open.
- Select Search, click New Object Store Search, select Collaboration Configuration in the Class menu, and then click Run.
- Click the object and then click Properties.
- On the Properties tab, click the Property Value cell for Download Count Anonymous User Ids, which displays a dropdown menu.
Select Edit list to remove the user from the list.
The user to be removed must be the same user that you previously provided for the User RunAs roles in the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console in step 2; however, the SID of the user must be provided instead of the user name.
- To confirm that you are removing the correct value, and understand how SID values are created, refer to Generating SID values.
- To remove the user, select the appropriate user from the list and click Remove. Click OK to confirm, click OK again to close the edit dialog, and then click Save to preserve the changes.