Configuring CCM for newly added nodes
You must perform several steps to get IBM® FileNet® working properly on a newly added node.
Before you begin
- Click . In the member list, click the new member that you added in the prerequisite step.
- Click .
- Set Generic JVM arguments as follows:
Where {first_login_property_value} is the login property value as set in the LDAP configuration; only the first value if it is multivalued. For example, if the login property value was set as uid;mail, then you would replace {first_login_property_value} with uid as the value.-Xgcpolicy:gencon -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xsoftrefthreshold16 -DFileNet.EJB.ContextProperties=java.naming.provider.url=! -DenableWaltzIdConversion=true{first_login_property_value}
The login property value for the LDAP configuration can be found by using the Deployment Manager's administrative console and navigating to:- Click Configure in the User account repository section.
- Click the LDAP entry in the Repository Identifier column to view the Login properties field of the Security section.
- Click OK and then Save.
- Click . In the member list, click the new member that you added in the previous step.
- Click Container Services and then
click Transaction service.
- Set Total transaction lifetime timeout to 180.
- Set Maximum transaction timeout to 0.
- Click OK and then Save.
- Run Full Resynchronize for all nodes, and then restart all IBM® Connections application server instances.