Configuring CCM for newly added nodes

You must perform several steps to get IBM® FileNet® working properly on a newly added node.

Before you begin

Add a node as described in Adding a node to a cluster. If you want to run the CCM applications (FileNetEngine, FNCS) on the node, you must perform the following steps.


  1. Click Servers > Clusters > <cluster name> > Cluster members. In the member list, click the new member that you added in the prerequisite step.
  2. ClickJava and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine .
  3. Set Generic JVM arguments as follows:
    -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xsoftrefthreshold16 -DFileNet.EJB.ContextProperties=java.naming.provider.url=! -DenableWaltzIdConversion=true{first_login_property_value}
    Where {first_login_property_value} is the login property value as set in the LDAP configuration; only the first value if it is multivalued. For example, if the login property value was set as uid;mail, then you would replace {first_login_property_value} with uid as the value.
    The login property value for the LDAP configuration can be found by using the Deployment Manager's administrative console and navigating to Security > Global security:
    1. Click Configure in the User account repository section.
    2. Click the LDAP entry in the Repository Identifier column to view the Login properties field of the Security section.
  4. Click OK and then Save.
  5. Click Servers > Clusters > <cluster name> > Cluster members. In the member list, click the new member that you added in the previous step.
  6. Click Container Services and then click Transaction service.
    1. Set Total transaction lifetime timeout to 180.
    2. Set Maximum transaction timeout to 0.
  7. Click OK and then Save.
  8. Run Full Resynchronize for all nodes, and then restart all IBM® Connections application server instances.