
This glossary provides terms and definitions for IBM Connections software and products.

The following cross-references are used in this glossary:
  • See refers you from a nonpreferred term to the preferred term or from an abbreviation to the spelled-out form.
  • See also refers you to a related or contrasting term.


See Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
See active content filter.
active content filter (ACF)
A filter that prevents users from embedding malicious content in Communities and Bookmark input fields.
Activities member
A person whose access privileges allow for saving, retrieving, and deleting documents in an activity.
Activities to-do item
An activity resource used to manage the work needed to complete an activity goal. Activities to-do items can appear in the Notes calendar.
activity stream
A view of the IBM Connections home page that filters the latest news stories and updates from across IBM Connections in list format, making it easy to scan through the entries and identify important updates.
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE)
A web-based application that is used to administer the FileNet P8 domains.
application properties file
An XML file where properties can be edited to customize the behavior of an IBM Connections application.
assigned moderator
The user account specified to review and publish content in blogs, forums and community files.


See basic authentication.
basic authentication (BA)
An authentication method that uses a user name and a password.
A web page that provides frequent continuing publication of thoughts, comments, and web links on a specific topic or subject.
blog theme
A template that controls the look of a blog.
A shortcut to a web page of interest to IBM Connections community members.
business card
A snapshot of an IBM Connections user's profile and contact details with links to the user's work in IBM Connections applications.
business owner
The person who creates a community and any subcommunities within that community.


An online resource where groups of people with a common interest can interact with each other.
community invitation
An email invitation to join a community.
community library
A library created directly in a community using the Library widget that provides community members with content management capabilities such as check-in/check-out, version control, and enhanced social features such as tagging and liking. See also linked library.
A plug-in that integrates IBM Connections with another application. For example, the IBM Connections plug-ins for IBM Notes allow users to access Activities and Files from their Notes client.
content store
A database that is used to store files and other content that users add to their activities.
cron calendar
A calendar of predefined date algorithms that is used by the scheduling service of WebSphere Application Server to determine when a task should run.
A multidimensional representation of data needed for online analytical processing, multidimensional reporting, or multidimensional planning applications.


daily digest
A daily summary of the latest updates from Activities.
data synchronization task
The process of establishing the interval at which data from the IBM Connections applications is synchronized with the News repository.
dedicated mailbox
A mailbox on the mail server that is configured with a rule or trigger to direct email notification replies to it.
default application
See Snoop.
desktop plug-in
A plug-in for Microsoft Windows that lets users access Connections from Microsoft Office and Outlook to upload files to the Files application from their desktops.
display language
The language of the user interface that can be selected by users so that IBM Connections is displayed in their preferred language.
A social bookmarking service that allows users to centrally store, categorize, and share a set of personal bookmarks. Users can assign multiple tags to organize their bookmarks. See also tag.


See enterprise archive.
See Enterprise Content Management.
embedded content
Content such as web pages or videos that can be added to an iFrame in the rich text editor by referencing a URL to the content.
embedded experience gadget
A type of widget, registered in the widget catalog, that enables a seamless integration between IBM Connections and IBM Note or iNotes. For example, the Connections EE Gadget allows for emails from Connections to display as an Embedded Experience such that users can interact with Connections directly within their email.
enterprise archive (EAR)
A specialized type of JAR file, defined by the Java EE standard, used to deploy Java EE applications to Java EE application servers. An EAR file contains EJB components, a deployment descriptor, and web archive (WAR) files for individual web applications.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
The strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured information, wherever that information exists.
expertise location
The identification and discovery of people with specific skills and expertise using the Profiles application.


fallback language
The language in which to display the user interface if the preferred language specified by the browser is not included in the language elements list.
A data format that contains periodically updated content that is available to multiple users, applications, or both.
feed reader
A web application that automatically delivers summaries and details about updates from a website to which a user has subscribed.
feed subscription
A way for IBM Connections community members to receive automatic updates about application and user data that they might want to monitor without the need to check each application for updates. Members can subscribe to feeds for pages, comments, versions, attachments, members, and lists.
file conflict
A situation in which one or more editors are working on a file at the same time and saved versions of the file get out of sync. Locking a file when editing it can prevent file conflicts.
To subscribe to someone's profile to see their activities.
forum moderation
The review and approval of user-added content by a moderator before it appears in a forum. A moderator of a forum can review and manage forum topics before they are published and review forum topics that are already available. In addition, when forum content is flagged as inappropriate by forum users, a notification is sent to the moderator who reviews the content and decides what action to take.
Forums portlet
A portlet that lets WebSphere Portal users view and interact with forum content from a Portal application.


A type of widget that handles third-party apps such as iGoogle.
See media gallery.
See global configuration database.
global administrator
An administrative role for performing advanced tasks in all IBM Connections applications, such as managing inappropriate content in IBM Connections, deleting bookmark links, creating global administrators.
global configuration database (GCD)
The Content Platform Engine component that stores global data that defines the domain. Data includes information about object stores, file storage areas, content cache areas, index areas, and other domain resources. The global configuration database also stores and manages the security descriptors for all accounts provided by the authentication provider.
global moderator
A Java EE role that can review and manage community content from the global moderation interface.


In mobile computing, a phrase prefix that links content with other content about the same topic. For example, prefacing a tweet with "#Bills" groups a tweet in the Buffalo Bills subject group.
home page
An aggregated view of the latest updates across all the IBM Connections applications.
home page administrator
A special administrative role that has access to an Administration view for adding, removing, enabling, and disabling IBM Connections widgets on the home page.
HTTPS session
A protected version of an HTTP session that uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to permit secure transactions.


Ideation Blog
A blog that is used by a community to generate ideas on a particular topic and then collect feedback to get consensus on the best ideas.
See information frame.
I frame
See information frame.
implicit community activity
An activity where all the members of an IBM Connections community are added as authors of the community activity by default.
information frame (I frame, iFrame)
In communications, a transmission frame that is sequentially numbered and used to transmit data.
in-place migration
A data migration strategy that overwrites the existing previous versions of databases. See also side-by-side migration.
invitation notification
A notification of an invitation to join a community with all the rights and privileges of a member.
A browser-oriented component, potentially extending a server-side component, that provides either a logical service to the page or a visualization for the user (typically related to a server-side component or a configured data source).


An implementation of the Python programming language that is integrated with the Java platform.


A network authentication protocol that is based on symmetric key cryptography. Kerberos assigns a unique key, called a ticket, to each user who logs on to the network. The ticket is embedded in messages that are sent over the network. The receiver of a message uses the ticket to authenticate the sender.
key database
In security, a storage object, either a file or a hardware cryptographic card, where identities and private keys are stored for authentication and encryption purposes. Some key databases also contain public keys.


Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA)
An authentication framework that allows single sign-on across a set of web servers that fall within an Internet domain.
In social networking, to endorse something that has been posted, for example, a link or a status update. See also unlike.
linked library
A library added to an IBM Connections community by the community owner using the Linked Library widget that allows community members to tag, follow, like, and comment. See also community library.
live bookmark
A special bookmarked favorite in a browser that acts as a dynamic folder containing the most recent bookmarks in a feed.
locked domain
A security feature that isolates and protects widgets from third-party sources that might try to cause harm to other widgets, the browser, or an application.
See Lightweight Third Party Authentication.


MBean command
A command entered into a wsadmin command session that is associated with, and can control, an IBM Connections application that runs on the server. MBean commands are grouped into services that perform related tasks, such as managing application membership.
media gallery
A community widget that displays photos and videos.
Someone who belongs to an IBM Connections community.
member manager
See virtual member manager.
In social media, a reference to another user that provides a link to that user's profile as well as sending them a notification of the mention. For example, in Twitter, members can use the "@" sign in conjunction with someone's user name to mention them.
A measurement summary of global and community behavior and activity that is collected by the IBM Connections Metrics application.
A service for posting short, public messages. A microblog message is usually one or two sentences long. It is useful for many purposes such as sharing links, asking questions, and making statements.
moderated community
A community where anyone in the organization can see community content but must request to join.
A method of overseeing and managing IBM Connections content in Blogs, Communities, and Forums.


News repository
The storage location of events that are generated by the various IBM Connections applications whenever an event occurs in the system.


object store
A set of services provided by Content Platform Engine to access and manage documents and other objects. An object store resides in a domain, which can contain many object stores.
online status
The availability of a Sametime user. A user can set their online availability to available, busy in a meeting, or away from their computer.
open community
A community that is publicly available for anyone in an organization to join.
OpenSocial container
A runtime environment for allowing untrusted and partially trusted components from third parties to run in an existing web application.


To highlight or prioritize an important item in a community.
A separately installable software module that adds function to an existing program, application, or interface.
See cube.
presence awareness
See online status.
primary blog
In the case of a user with multiple blogs, the blog that users are directed to if they view the blog owner's business card and click the Blogs link.
public activity
An activity that can be accessed by anyone who has access to the Activities server.
public blog
A blog that was created for a public community.
public content
Content displayed by the Things in Common widget that community users have in common with each other.


Recommended Communities widget
A widget that can be used to find communities that might be worth joining. The information provided by the widget can be used to help in deciding whether to join a recommended community.
Related Communities widget
A widget that provides a way to link to from one community to another community of interest.
reply-to address
A unique address that identifies both a person who replied to a notification and the event or item that triggered the notification.
rich text editor
An embedded text editor that enables the creation of visually interesting blog posts, wiki articles, forum topics, and activity entries. Users can enter and format text as well as insert images and links.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
A security protocol that provides communication privacy. With SSL, client/server applications can communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.
security identifier (SID)
An internal ID used within IBM Connections Content Manager and FileNet to reference a user when setting up anonymous access and configuring indexing.
self-signed certificate
In cryptography, a public key certificate that is signed with its own private key rather than by a certificate authority.
See security identifier.
sidebar plug-in
A plug-in that allows users to update their status and view the status for colleagues in the same network from their Lotus Notes clients.
side-by-side migration
A data migration strategy that preserves the previous version of databases, minimizing the downtime of a production environment but requiring more hardware resources. See also in-place migration.
silent installation
An installation that does not send messages to the console but instead stores messages and errors in log files. A silent installation can use response files for data input.
single sign-on (SSO)
An authentication process in which a user can access more than one system or application by entering a single user ID and password.
A configuration that administrators can use to verify that WebSphere Application Server is running.
In computer graphics, a small graphics picture, or series of pictures, that can be moved independently around the screen under program control, producing animated effects.
See Secure Sockets Layer.
See single sign-on.
status update
See microblog.


A short key word that is a means of classifying and retrieving content in a way that is meaningful. Tags are single words, or multiple words that are connected with hyphens or underscores. For example, "social-bookmarking", "status_reports", and "payroll" are all valid tags.
tag cloud
A visual representation of tags, where frequently used tags are displayed with more emphasis. For example: tags can be represented by text, with varying degrees of bolding, or images with varying sizes.
tag list
A list that is similar to a tag cloud, but displays the ten most popular tags only.
team space
A place in a community where team members can manage different types of content.
An icon-sized rendering of a larger graphic image that permits a user to preview the image without opening a view or graphical editor.
An item for discussion within a forum.
tune out
To remove an activity from the My Activities view.


In social networking, to withdraw support from something that has been posted. See also like.
To remove the designation of higher priority to a community or forum topic if it no longer needs to be given that prominence.


See virtual card.
The maintenance of different versions of an uploaded file by the Files application. When a file is uploaded initially, a first version is created. When someone with editor access uploads the file again, a new version is created. All previous versions are maintained. Versions can be deleted.
virtual card (vCard)
A file that stores basic contact information, following the Internet Mail Consortium specification.
virtual member manager
A WebSphere Application Server component that provides applications with a secure facility to access basic organizational entity data such as people, logon accounts, and security roles.


watch list
A list of the most recent bookmarks associated with a specified person or tag. The Bookmarks application allows the addition of people and tags to a watch list.
A portable, reusable application or piece of dynamic content that can be placed into a web page, receive input, and communicate with an application or with another widget. See also gadget.
widget catalog
A catalog that defines the widgets that have been deployed in the IBM Connections home page, specifies whether the widgets are enabled or disabled, and sets out any prerequisites that the widgets have on IBM Connections applications.
Widget container
The IBM Connections-specific integration of the Common Rendering Engine (CRE), which adds the ability to render OpenSocial gadgets as well as iWidgets.
A collection of editable pages about a specific subject that a team uses to collaborate on content about that subject.
Wikis portlet
A portlet that lets users interact with the IBM Connections Wikis application so that they can access content without leaving the IBM WebSphere Portal environment.