
Customize IBM® Connections to fit your environment.

Customize IBM® Connections to fit your environment. This documentation is provided to help you customize your deployment of IBM® Connections. IBM® Support can address questions about the customization process, but cannot address questions about the particulars of your customization. If you customized an earlier version of IBM® Connections, there is no migration path provided for importing your changes into IBM® Connections 4.5 or later. Before upgrading, review and make a note of your existing customizations so that you can verify them post-migration and rework if necessary. In addition, customization work might no longer be valid if a customized file is updated with a subsequent fix pack or interim fix.

Additional information about the CSS and HTML markup structure used in IBM® Connections is available in the IBM® ConnectionsDeveloper Guide at:

Review these topics to help you customize IBM® Connections for your organization, or to help you build components that integrate with IBM® Connections.