To customize ICXT text like button labels or descriptions in the UI, you can create files containing the customized values for the respective NLS keys. NLS keys are identifiers that map the text for different languages to the same field.
First, find the path containing your ICXT configuration. If you have set the path via configuration already (by adjusting the configuration value ic360.configpath - see the Configuration documentation), navigate to this path.
If you have not manually set the ic360.configpath it will be automatically calculated via the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH WebSphere Variable. To find your path, do the following:
Once found, look for the icxt configpath by navigating to the parent folder of the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH folder. There, you should find the folder icxt. Navigate to the config folder inside icxt.
Open the current NLS file used by ICXT via the browser. You can do so by navigating to the URL https://connections_host/ic360/ui/nls/locale_LANG.json, where LANG is the language you want to access (de, en, …). In this file, you will find all available text phrases. Identify the one you want to change.
Note: Use a browser or text editors that support JSON data representation (e.g. Firefox) to make the file structure easier to understand and to find respective strings more easily.
Alternatively, you can use the URL https://connections_host/ic360/ui/tools/pdf-export.html?app=wikis&uuid=&iframe=resize,hidefooter,hidenav&nlsIgnore=true to display the ICXT PDF Export UI with only the language keys instead of the translations. With this, you can find the name of the text to be changed by looking at the position where the text should appear.
You can do a similar approach with any other ICXT component by finding the correct /ic360 URL and adding the URL argument nlsIgnore=true. For ICXT views embedded into the HCL Connections UI, identify the iframe element containing the ICXT endpoint and open it in a new tab to append the argument there.
In the configpath folder, create a folder nls.
[cnx@server config]$ mkdir nls
Create a file for the language you want to customize, under the name custom_LANG.json, where LANG is the language you want to access (de, en, …).
[cnx@server nls]$ touch custom_en.json
Add the language key you want to change in the correct object order, and set the value to the text that should be displayed in the UI. E.g. in case we want to customize the Generate PDF button, add the following JSON object to the file content:
{ "mod.pdfexport" : { "label" : { "generatePdf" : "Print" } } }
Note: We suggest identifying the text that requires changing in the UI first (either text only or by additionally finding the nls key via the nlsIgnore parameter outlined above), then searching for the element in the NLS file, copying the outer JSON element structure into the custom file and providing the desired translation. Finally the changes can be validated easiest by resetting the customization cache as outlined below.
To make the customizations become effective, you can either restart the server or request the URL https://connections_host/ic360/ui/nls/locale_LANG.json?cache=false in the browser. The URL will reload the language file for the specified language, taking into account any customizations that might have been added.
Refresh the ICXT UI to see the changes.