HCL Connections Extension Toolkit (ICXT)
What is ICXT?
In general, ICXT is an asset that is maintained by the HCL Software team.
It can be used as:
- an admin tool for Connections (profiles, backup&restore)
- an end-user tool for managing Connections content (move&merge, pdf export)
- a migration tool for supporting several scenarios (Connections merger, Cloud migrations, Carve outs)
Following list provides an overview about features and functions that are provided by ICXT:
- Find duplicate or faulty user profiles and fix them
- Find HCL Connections content
- Backup and restore content
- Retrieve reports of unused or inactive contents (e.g.: standalone activities that do have only inactive
- Transfer personal files from one profile to another profile
- Merge Wikis, Blogs, Forums
- Convert personal files to community files
- Export Connections content items as PDF
- Easily manage and assign file library policies to Communities or Profiles
- Create Communities through a templating API
- Move on-Premise data to the HCL Connections Cloud
- Manage files policies: Creation, Read, Update and Deletion (except for system default policies)
- Assign a files policy to community files libraries, a personal files libraries and wiki libraries
- IBM WebSphere (for deployment)
- HCL Connections (as endpoint)
- Access to an administrative HCL Connections account
- Access to an administrative WebSphere cell account
- Database (for storing ICXT application data)
A complete list of requirements is listed here
An user-interface at CONNECIONS_HOST/ic360/ui/index.html provides all functionality available by
this tool.
HCL Confidential
OCO Source Materials
Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 2015, 2020
The source code for this program is not published or otherwise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.