HCL Commerce Version or later

Create a connector using Ingest

In this lesson, you create a connector using Ingest.

Before you start this step, you must complete the prerequisite step to Load cost price list.

Creating a connector in NiFi for the toolkit or runtime environment

  • This lesson creates a connector with the name "custom". Ensure that you replace the name "custom" with the required connector name.
  • If you are connecting to the database for the production or live environment, replace “AUTH” with “LIVE" in the code.
To create a connector in Ingest service, use the following API:
Complete the following steps to create the connector in the toolkit or runtime environment:
  1. From the Swagger UI, go to the Connector Configuration > POST: /connectors API.
  2. Click Try it out.
  3. For the API body, use the code provided.
  4. Click Execute.

   "description":"This is the connector for the custom processing",