HCL Commerce Version or later

Verify the NRT SQL query

This section of the tutorial explains the steps to verify the NRT SQL query while applying the NRT index for Profit Margin customization.


Perform the following steps to verify the NRT SQL query:
  1. Go to auth.product – ProfitMarginDatabaseConnectorPipe > Custom Connector Pipe > Execute SQL and right-click Define custom SQL and index name Processor.
  2. Right-click Define custom SQL and index name processor and click Configure.
  3. Go to Properties tab and verify that the ${extCatentryAndSQL} is present in the SQL query.
    Note: In order to run the Custom Process group in the NRT pipeline, you must add extensions in the SQL query to run against the specific Catentry or Catgroup. This is why the SQL extension clause is added in the NRT link of nifi pipeline for use in the SQL statement of the custom process. For example, ${extCatentryAndSQL}.