Required Helm Chart configuration for HCL Commerce Version 9.1

The following reference provides a more detailed look at the provided hcl-commerce-helmchart Helm Chart, and the various configuration options and considerations that are essential for a custom deployment of HCL Commerce Version 9.1 on Kubernetes.

It is strongly recommended to not modify the default  values.yaml configuration  file for your deployment. Instead create a copy to use as your customized values file, for example, my-values.yaml. This will allow you to maintain your customized values for future deployments and upgrades.

Common configuration values

The following values are required to be modified in your my-values.yaml file to match the environment and cluster configuration that you want:

Parameter Description
license You must accept the license before you can deploy HCL Commerce. To view the license, browse all of the files under the LICENSES directory.

To accept the license, set  license  to  accept.

  • common.tenant
  • common.environmentName
  • common.environmentType
  • The common.tenant value can be your organization name. You can have multiple environments under the same tenant.
  • The common.environmentName is the name of the environment. Some examples of environment name are dev, qa or production. Each HCL Commerce environment can be used to partition logical groups of different hosted applications.
  • The common.environmentType is the specific environment type. For each environment, an environment type must be specified:
    • auth holds the HCL Commerce staging applications used by administration and business users.
    • live holds the production applications to serve live traffic to end users of your storefront.
    • share holds the applications that can be consumed by both auth and live environment types. For example, the new Search solution and new tooling are deployed in the share group.
     In addition to organizing your site, the tenant, environment name, and environment type values are used together to form the path to look up environment configuration values in Vault.
    Important: These values should contain lower case characters only, without spaces or special characters.
common.vaultTokenSecret The name of the secret object which contains the Vault token. Refer to Deploying a development Vault for HCL Commerce on Kubernetes and Prerequisites for deploying HCL Commerce on a Kubernetes cluster to understand how the Vault token is passed to HCL Commerce.
common.dbType The type of database that the environment is using. Valid values are db2 and oracle.
common.imageRepo The Docker Registry repository in docker_registry_domain:port format.
common.spiUserName The SPI user name used for basic authentication with server to server communication. spiuser is the default value used for HCL Commerce.
common.spiUserPwdAes The spiuser user password, encrypted with AES by the wcs_encrypt utility.
The default plain text password is :
  • For HCL Commerce to, the password is passw0rd, which when encrypted corresponds with the default key, eNdqdvMAUGRUbiuqadvrQfMELjNScudSp5CBWQ8L6aw.
  • HCL Commerce Version or laterFor HCL Commerce or greater, the password is QxV7uCk6RRiwvPVaa4wdD78jaHi2za8ssjneNMdu3vgqi, which when encrypted corresponds with the default key, cSG7n0iFVpt+Az2JUKeJQJGOXfDkZUUpIYCS1hJXL9hYK3yaSQ2ssVCoz/SKoaCH3g+g+9FGcLejkI/KpJLI5Q==.
You can use the default key to match the sample db2 database Docker container.

For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.

common.spiUserPwdBase64 The Base64 encoded value for  spiuser:password.
The default plain text password is:
  • For HCL Commerce to, the password is passw0rd, or  c3BpdXNlcjpwYXNzdzByZA==  in Base64.
  • HCL Commerce Version or laterFor HCL Commerce or greater, the password is QxV7uCk6RRiwvPVaa4wdD78jaHi2za8ssjneNMdu3vgqi, or  c3BpdXNlcjpReFY3dUNrNlJSaXd2UFZhYTR3ZEQ3OGphSGkyemE4c3NqbmVOTWR1M3ZncWk=  in Base64.

This value can be obtained by piping the values through the Base64 system utility: echo -n spiuser:password | base64

common.vaultUrl The Vault V1 API URL.

The default value is http://vault-consul.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200/v1

Note: This value assumes that hcl-commerce-vaultconsul-helmchart was used to deploy Vault into the vault namespace.
common.externalDomain The external domain used for ingress and the Store Preview URL.

In the hostname, would be the external domain name.

common.configureMode HCL Commerce supports Vault and EnvVariables configuration modes. The default value is Vault, which is also the recommended configuration mode.
common.imagePullSecrets The name of the secret name which contains the credential for pulling images from your Docker Registry. Leave this value empty if the Docker Registry that is used does not require authentication.
common.imagePullPolicy The policy to control when to pull Docker images. Valid values are IfNotPresent and Always.
common.serviceAccountName The service account name which binds to the necessary roles to deploy HCL Commerce. By default, this value is default.
HCL Commerce Version or laterDeprecated: This parameter was deprecated and removed in version
When this parameter is set to true, it will create ingress to the Elasticsearch services such as Nifi, Ingest, and Data Query services. This must be set to false for production environments to avoid security impact.
common.localStoreEnabled When migrating from IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 or IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8, there is an option to a deploy and host a store based on the Aurora-based solution from within the Transaction server. In this case, set localStoreEnabled to true to allow Elasticsearch and Ingress to be configured properly.

This is not enabled by default, as the Aurora-based store solution that is included with HCL Commerce Version 9 is remote by default.

HCL Commerce Version or latercommon.ipv6Enabled The parameter to enable IPV6.

When disabled, HCL Commerce applications will add the JVM parameter, and use IPv4.

Accepted values are true, to enable IPv6, and false  to use IPv4.
HCL Commerce Version or latercommon.timezone The timezone in ICANN TZ format. For example, America/Toronto.

This parameter can also be set in all HCL Commerce containers as an environment variable, TZ.

If this value is not set, or empty, GMT will be used in all containers by default.

Warning: Changing the time zone will have impacts on HCL Commerce business logic, such as marketing web activities and promotion start and end dates and times. The values that are set for these site behaviors will not automatically adjust based on this timezone setting. It is recommended to keep this value empty if your site is already being used in a live production environment.

The parameter to enable Vault as a Certificate Authority to issue certificates. The default value is true.

HCL Cache and Metrics and Service monitor configuration values

Parameter Description
metrics.enabled The parameter to enable metrics for HCL Commerce.

The default for this parameter is true.

metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled The parameter to enable service monitoring with Prometheus.

The default for this parameter is false.

HCL Commerce Version or later

Search index job configuration

When the Elasticsearch-based search solution is in use, an optional search index job can be triggered at deployment time. When the job is created, it monitors and waits for the required components, such as search-nifi and search-ingest, to be ready, and then triggers the build index for your specified stores. The job also monitors the build status and waits for it to complete.
Note: This option is for the Elasticsearch-based solution only. It is not compatible with the Solr-based solution.
Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation The parameter to enable an Elasticsearch-based search solution index build on deployment.

Accepted values are true to enable the index build job, or false to disable the index build job.

HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.pushToLiveEnabled The parameter to enable the push-to-live index connector portion within the index build job.

Accepted values are true to enable the push-to-live index connector, or false to disable the push-to-live index connector.

HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.overalMaxDuration The maximum duration, in seconds, for the job to complete before it is canceled due to timeout.

This value must take into account the number of stores that are indexed, the data set size, and the index build complexity of each store. If the value is not sufficiently set with a generous margin, then the job can be unintentionally canceled before it otherwise would have completed successfully.

HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.indexMaxDuration The maximum duration, in seconds, for each individual index run to be canceled before timeout.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.interval The interval, in seconds, for the index build job to wait in between each readiness check for each required search component.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.txnMaxDuration The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the Transaction server to be ready.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.nifiMaxDuration The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the NiFi application to be ready.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.ingestMaxDuration The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the ingest application to be ready.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.maxRetry The maximum number of retries for each index build run, in the event that the index build job fails.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.storeIds A list of store IDs, separated by commas, to run the index builds against.
HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.calculatePriceEnabled The parameter to enable price calculation for B2B stores.

Accepted values are true to enable price calculation, and false to disable price calculation.

HCL Commerce Version or latersearchIndexCreation.calculatePriceStoreIds A list of store IDs, separated by commas, to run price calculation against.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Logging configuration

By default, the HCL Commerce applications do not provide logging in JSON format, but rather in the format that is specified in each server individually. When aggregating this data within a centralized logging system, such as EFK, it is required to enable the JSON logging format.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterlogging.jsonLogging.enabled The parameter to enable JSON logging. When this parameter is set to true, it will enable JSON logging for all application servers.

Accepted values are true, to enable logging, and false to disable JSON logging.

HCL Commerce Version or later

Ingress configuration

Ingress is used to allow external access to applications that are deployed within a Kubernetes cluster. The HCL Commerce Helm Chart defines ingress, to allow access to the most commonly used services in HCL Commerce, such as Management Center for HCL Commerce, and the storefront. For each of these services, you can configure the  domain,  ingressClass  and  tlsSecret  for both authoring and live environments. You can use the ingress settings defined by the HCL Commerce Helm Chart, or use them as reference and define your own customized ingress based on your requirements.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.enabled Enable ingress creation.

Accepted values are true, to enable ingress, and false  to disable ingress.

HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.ingressController The ingress controller type.

Accepted values are:

  • nginx
  • gke
  • ambassador
  • HCL Commerce Version or lateremissary
  • For Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), the only supported ingress controller is  nginx.
  • Set this parameter to gke when deploying on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using the http(s) load balancing server as the ingress controller.
  • If this parameter is set to ambassador, then Ambassador mapping resources are created instead of ingress resources.
    Restriction: With Kubernetes 1.22 or greater, Ambassador ingress is not supported. Instead, Emissary is required. The Emissary ingress controller also requires a version of HCL Commerce or greater.
HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.emissaryIdsList The Ambassador ID list for the Emissary listener that is listening on HTTP and HTTPS ports. Leave this value empty if you are only using the default Ambassador ID. If you are using different Ambassador IDs that are defined in the ingress configuration for different components, then you must add them here to create listeners for different Emissaries.
HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.apiVersion The API version to use for Ingress.
  • Use for kubernetes between 1.16 and 1.19 (exclusive).
  • Use for kubernetes 1.19 and greater. Using this version will avoid the API deprecation warning messages the previous v1beta1.
For more information, see
HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.enableToolingForReactStore The parameter to specify whether ingress for the Marketplace Approval service is enabled or disabled.
ingressSecret.autoCreate The parameter specifies if the Helm per-install is used to generate an ingress certification secret.

This is a convenient way to generate the self-signed certificate for a testing environment.

ingressSecret.replaceExist The parameter to specify if the existing ingress certification secret needs to be replaced when deployed.
HCL Commerce Version or lateringress.enableManageApprovalPage The parameter to specify whether ingress is enabled for the Manage Approval page used for the Marketplace approval service.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
This is disabled (false) by default.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Persistent volume for the Assets Tool

The Assets Tool was reintroduced in HCL Commerce A persistent volume with ReadWriteMany access can be created to store the assets that are added and managed via this Management Center tool.

For more information on the Assets Tool, see Assets tool.

For more information on persistent volumes in Kubernetes, see Persistent Volumes in the Kubernetes documentation.

Parameter Description
commercenfs.enabled When enabled as true, this parameter deploys the Kubernetes external-storage projects NFS provisioner for use with the Assets tool. For more information, see nfs-server-provisioner.
HCL Commerce Version or laterassetsPVC.enabled Create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) for the Assets Tool.
  • If set to true, a PVC with ReadWriteMany access mode is created.
  • If set to false, no PVC is created.
HCL Commerce Version or laterassetsPVC.storageClass The storage class name that is used by the PVC for the Assets Tool. This resource provider must support the ReadWriteMany access mode.
HCL Commerce Version or The storage size that is assigned to the persistent volume.
HCL Commerce Version or laterassetsPVC.accessMode The access mode of the PVC.

This is required to be ReadWriteMany for the Assets Tool PVC.

HCL Commerce Version or laterassetsPVC.existingClaim.auth If there is already an existing PVC for the Assets Tool in the authoring environment, you can assign it with this parameter.
HCL Commerce Version or If there is already an existing PVC for the Assets Tool in the live environment, you can assign it with this parameter.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Integration with HCL Digital Experience

Note: If you do not have HCL Digital Experience, this section can be ignored.
These configurations enable HCL Commerce to integrate with existing auth and live HCL Digital Experience (DX) environments that are deployed in the same cluster as HCL Commerce.
  • Nginx ingress must be used to deploy HCL Commerce. GKE ingress is not supported.
  • With this configuration, DX is made to be accessible with the same domain name as HCL Commerce.
Parameter Description
dx.enabled The parameter to enable or disable DX configurations.

The default for this parameter is false.

This configuration is ignored if both dx.namespace.auth and do not have values.

dx.namespace.auth The DX auth environment namespace. This must be in the same cluster as Commerce. The DX live environment namespace. This must be in the same cluster as Commerce.
HCL Commerce Version or laterdx.serviceName.auth The auth DX routing (load balancer) service name. Accepted values are haproxy or ambassador based on the DX version. You can obtain the service name with kubectl get service.
HCL Commerce Version or The live DX routing (load balancer) service name. Accepted values are haproxy or ambassador based on the DX version. You can obtain the service name with kubectl get service.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Integration with LDAP

Beginning with HCL Commerce, HCL Commerce can be integrated with a number of popular Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) services, or with a custom LDAP implementation.

The values here describe if LDAP integration is enabled, for which environment, and then how LDAP configuration details are provided to the deployment for each environment. The actual configuration details are provided separately depending on the configuration mode selected.

For more information, see Integrating HCL Commerce Kubernetes deployments with LDAP.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterldap.auth.enabled Specifies if LDAP is enabled for the authoring environment.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
Note: By default, Vault is the default configuration method. There is no parameter required to specify this method of LDAP configuration.
HCL Commerce Version or laterldap.auth.useVmmPropertiesFile You can use the file to define LDAP configuration for a Kubernetes deployment by including a copy of it within a custom Transaction server Docker container.

To use this configuration method, set this value to true, and then follow the instructions for Integrating HCL Commerce Kubernetes deployments with LDAP.

Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
HCL Commerce Version or laterldap.auth.useConfigMapForVmmPropertiesFile You can use the configuration file to define LDAP configuration for a Kubernetes deployment.

To use this configuration method, set this value to true, and then follow the instructions for Integrating HCL Commerce Kubernetes deployments with LDAP.

Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
HCL Commerce Version or Specifies if LDAP is enabled for the live environment.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
Note: By default, Vault is the default configuration method. There is no parameter required to specify this method of LDAP configuration.
HCL Commerce Version or You can use the file to define LDAP configuration for a Kubernetes deployment by including a copy of it within a custom Transaction server Docker container.

To use this configuration method, set this value to true, and then follow the instructions for Integrating HCL Commerce Kubernetes deployments with LDAP.

Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
HCL Commerce Version or You can use the configuration file to define LDAP configuration for a Kubernetes deployment.

To use this configuration method, set this value to true, and then follow the instructions for Integrating HCL Commerce Kubernetes deployments with LDAP.

Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Deployment on Red Hat OpenShift

Deployment on Red Hat OpenShift is possible with the parameters specified in this section.

Red Hat OpenShift support was added in the following HCL Commerce releases:
  • HCL Commerce Version or laterRed Hat Plinux OpenShift
  • HCL Commerce Version or laterRed Hat Xlinux OpenShift

By default, OpenshiftDeployment.enabled is set to false.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterOpenshiftDeployment.enabled Enable deployment on Red Hat OpenShift.

Accepted values are true, and false.

HCL Commerce Version or laterOpenshiftDeployment.SccName The Security Context Constraints (SCC) that you want to be granted access for the deployment.
HCL Commerce Version or later OpenshiftDeployment.destinationCACertificate In an OpenShift Container deployment, the routes resources will be created directly instead of ingress.

Specify the CA certificate to allow the HAProxy proxy to trust the certificate of HCL Commerce servers. The CA certificate is the one that you specified in Vault deployment.

HCL Commerce Version or later

Deployment with Google Anthos

Deployment with Google Anthos is possible with the parameters specified in this section. You can still use HCL Commerce with Google Anthos by manually updating the Helm Chart.

By default, AnthosDeployment.enabled is set to false.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterAnthosDeployment.enabled Introduced in HCL Commerce9.1.11.0, Google Anthos is supported by the HCL Commerce Helm Chart. Enable this feature for deployment when Google Anthos is used. This disables the istio sidecar injection for pre-install, pre-delete, create-index, nifi, and ingest to avoid failures.
Note: You can still use older versions of HCL Commerce with Google Anthos by manually updating the HCL Commerce Helm Chart.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Deployment with Approvals in the Marketplace

Deployment with Approvals in the Marketplace is possible with the parameters specified in this section.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterapprovalApp.enabled Introduced in HCL Commerce, the Approval service is used for approvals within a Marketplace. The Approval service application requires a separately deployed PostgresSQL that must be running before the service is started. The PostgreSQL database URL is passed to the Approval service using the Helm Chart where there is a bootConfig section under approvalApp.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Deployment with the Nextjs Ruby store

Deployment with Ruby is possible with the parameters specified in this section.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laternextjsApp.enabled Feature previewIntroduced in HCL Commerce, the Nextjs Ruby store is a starter store based on the Next.js framework that enables React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generation of static websites. For more information, see Next.js starter store.
HCL Commerce Version or later

Solr search sharding

Solr search sharding is included as an optional configuration in the HCL Commerce Helm Chart. This enables Solr-based search deployments with large indexes to enable multiple Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) to complete indexing work in parallel, reducing indexing time, and alleviating any resource issues that can be encountered when using a single JVM.

In this configuration, a ReadWriteMany type of persistent volume is required for each shard, as well as for searchAppMaster, for creating and merging shards.

For more information, see Enabling Solr search sharding within a Kubernetes deployment.

Docker image configuration

Under each application definition (that is, definitions for tsApp, tsWeb, etc.), the image path is the path to the image relative to the common.imageRepo, and the tag defines the image tag. Ensure that each application has the correct image path and tag based on the actual images stored in your Docker Registry.

Kubernetes resource allocation

Under each application definition (that is, definitions for tsApp, tsWeb, etc.),  the replica  value is set to 1 by default. This means that only one Pod is deployed per application defined. To increase the performance and processing power of your deployment, you can increase  the replica  value for some application such as tsApp. You can also customize the resource allocation by modifying the  resources  definition for each application.

Persisting search data

It is recommended to mount persistent storage volumes within your search containers to allow HCL Commerce applications to persist data. If you do not set up persistent storage, the search index that is stored inside of the Docker container is lost if the container is stopped or restarted for any reason.

The following containers should have persistent storage configured, based on the search solution utilized:
  • Solr-based search solution:
    • searchAppMaster
    • searchAppRepeater
  • Elasticsearch-based search solution:
    • nifiApp
    • elasticsearch

To mount a storage volume, create a persistent volume claim in Kubernetes and match it to the corresponding application. Repeat this creation process for each application that requires persistent storage.

  1. Create a yaml file with the following definitions.

    For the purpose of this example, this file will be called pvc.yaml.

    apiVersion: v1 
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim 
        name: <pvc name, e.g demoqa-nifi-pvc> 
        namespace: <namespace, e.g commerce>
        - ReadWriteOnce 
            storage: 10Gi 
        storageClassName: <storage class name, e.g standard for gke> 
  2. Create the persistent volume claim based on your yaml file definition.

    Run the following command to load the file: kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml.

    The persistent volume claim is created.

  3. Match the application with its persistent volume claim.

    Configure the deployment persistentVolumeClaim parameter value for the application and persistent volume claim pairing.

Migrating HCL Commerce from an older 9.1.x or 9.0.x release to a newer version of 9.1.x

When upgrading an existing deployment from an older HCL Commerce Version 9.0 or HCL Commerce Version 9.1 release to a newer release, there are some considerations that might be required.

Parameter Description
backwardCompatibility.selector The pod selector labels defined in the existing deployment. This is required when you deployed HCL Commerce using a different Helm Chart previously and want to use this Chart to upgrade.
HCL Commerce Version or laterbackwardCompatibility.ingressFormatUpgrade.enable Some NGINX and GKE ingress names have changed since the HCL Commerce release. When upgrading from a version prior to to a version that is or greater, you must enable this parameter to trigger an upgrade job to clean up older ingress definitions and avoid conflicts during the upgrade.
In previously provided Helm Charts for HCL Commerce Version 9.0.x.x, the deployment matches the following labels to select Pods:
  • app (WCSV9)
  • chart ({{ .Chart.Name }}, For example, ibm-websphere-commerce)
  • release ({{ .Release.Name }}, For example, demo-qa-auth)
  • heritage ({{ .Release.Service }}, For example, Helm)
  • component ({{ .Values.common.tenant }}{{ .Values.common.environmentName}}{{ .Values.common.environmentType }}{{}}, For example, demoqaauthcrs-app)
  • group ({{ .Values.common.tenant }}{{ .Values.common.environmentName}}{{ .Values.common.environmentType }}, For example, demoqaauth)

In this Helm Chart example, the application and chart values are updated. This would cause Helm upgrade to fail as the LabelSelector is immutable. To upgrade a Version 9.0.x.x deployment to a Version 9.1.x.x using this Chart without downtime, specify the backwardCompatibility.selector to match the existing deployment.

For example:
    ## In the Version 9.0.x.x Helm Chart, app is specified as WCSV9 by default 
    app: WCSV9

## In the Version 9.0.x.x Helm Chart, chart is specified as ibm-websphere-commerce by default  
    chart: ibm-websphere-commerce 
For new deployment, keep backwardCompatibility.selector as an empty map.
  selector: {} 
HCL Commerce Version or later

Upgrading HCL Commerce from root to non-root images

When upgrading an existing deployment from using the root user to the non-root user, comuser, for the first time, you must review and carefully consider the following Helm Chart parameters.

Parameter Description
HCL Commerce Version or laterCommon.runAsNonRoot.enabled This parameter starts all containers as the non-root user, comuser, to improve overall deployment security.
Accepted values are:
  • true to start containers as the non-root user.
  • false to start containers as the root user.

By default, this value is set to true.

It is only recommended to disable this feature to continue using an existing deployment before it can be tested and updated for use with the non-root user. For more information, see HCL Commerce container users and privileges.

HCL Commerce Version or laterCommon.runAsNonRoot.migrateAssetsPvcFromRootToNonroot This parameter triggers a pre-upgrade job to update the permissions of the files within your Assets Tool readWriteMany Persistent Volume Container (PVC), if you use one within your existing deployment.

This must be used in specific circumstances when upgrading your deployment to function correctly with the non-root user.

For more information, see Updating PVC file permissions for upgrading a Kuberetes deployment from root to non-root user images.