- Creating categories in the master catalog
If you are expanding your store inventory or changing your category structure, you can add categories to the master catalog.
- Creating categories
If you are expanding your store inventory or changing your category structure, you might want to add a category.
- Changing categories
You can change the information for a category, including code, name, description, images, and parent category.
- Deleting categories
You might want to delete a category if you are changing your inventory or reorganizing your catalog structure, and no longer have any use for that category. You cannot delete a category if there are any associated catalog entries.
- Hiding categories
You can hide a category in your catalog so that it does not display to customers, for example, if the category contains out-of-season merchandise. If you hide a category, the products and SKUs within that category can still be found in a sales catalog or during a search. To hide the products or SKUs, you must clear the Display to customers check box in the product or SKU properties views.
- Moving categories
You can move a child category to a new parent category in the master catalog for example, if you are getting rid of a category or find that the child category is better defined under a new parent.
- Sequencing categories
To change the order in which customers see categories on your site, change the display sequence of the category.
- Managing faceted navigation attributes in categories
You can manage attribute dictionary faceted navigation attributes in categories to control how facets are displayed at a category level. Managing faceted navigation attributes in categories enables changing the attributes display sequence, and assigning attributes to display or hide in category pages. Managing faceted navigation attributes in categories ensures that customers see only the appropriate facets. That is, those facets that are most effective for targeting and comparing similar products within a category.